Chapter 10 injured

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*Wolfe's Pov*

I felt something push me away from the blaster cannon beam and when I looked up at who did it, I saw Xena who got hit by the bolt. "No!!" I heard multiple people scream and a loud roar from Lunar.

Once I recovered from the shock, I quickly got up and sprinted towards the wreckage to get to Xena. Soon the others sprinted towards the blast while I cleared debris to try and find her. Lunar was next to me and then I found a crack mask.

"Over here!!" I yelled and moved the rocks and dirt from the mask. I then found Xena, who was in bad shape. Cuts and bruises all over her face, her outfit was torn apart, 3rd degree burns, etc. The medical troopers came and began bringing her to the Starship medical center where she was brought in for emergency surgery.

Almost the entire battalion was working nonstop, just so that the med-center had everything it needed. I stayed with General Plo and Lunar, who wouldn't get off my shoulder. She kept whining and I kept calming her down and petting her head. General Plo saw this and said, "She misses her Spirit host."

"Spirit host?" I ask in confusion. "Yes, Dagonar have a strong attachment to their hosts and will sacrifice anything to get them better." I looked back at Lunar who did a small roar, approving what the General said. "If she is so attached to her, why hasn't she gone back into her soul yet?"

The General said, "Because she is saying goodbye to everyone." I was about to ask, but the comm link went off... the surgery was done. Me and the General went to the med-center and many other clones were there, waiting for the results. We all entered and saw Xena on a bed, with tubes and machines hooked up to her. Lunar immediately jumped off my shoulder and changed her size, so that her head rested right next to her hand.

"Tell me, how is she?" The General asked and the medic only shook his head.

"Not well, sir. On the outside her damage is not bad, but she has massive internal bleeding and some of her organs are massively damaged. Not even an organ transplant will help with this... I'm sorry. She will not survive the night." He said and was about to shed some tears, but then Lunar roared and had her head on Xena's stomach.

I was still processing the information, but I went to Xena's side and sat down next to her. Soon the other men crowded around her, hoping for some miracle. Lunar was still laying down on her stomach and then she started to glow. We all stepped back and the glow kept brightening that I had to close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, Lunar was gone, but Xena looked much more alive. "W-what happened?" The general came forward and sat next to her, chuckling a little bit. "Lunar and Xena are one of the same now."

I looked up at him, confused, but he continued. "Lunar sacrificed her physical form to be fully connected with Xena to save her."

"So, Lunar saved her life by giving up her physical form." Sinker said and the General nodded. I held her hand and felt guilty, for the way I treated her when we met. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the General.

"Don't blame yourself for her injuries, she knew the risk of putting herself in front of that blast." I nodded, but still held her hand and under my breath I whispered, "I'm sorry, for everything that I've said."

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