Chapter 8 The crystals

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Xena's POV

Once I left Master Plo and ran into the forest, I headed to the factory as quickly as possible to make sure I got in and out before Ventress arrived. Lunar was on my shoulder, looking around to make sure I wasn't spotted.

I ran for a while until I heard the sound of clanking droids on the ground. I climbed up a big enough tree and decided to look around before entering the factory. I summoned Lunar back and she soon disappeared into my chest.

I carefully looked around and saw droids coming near the tree, talking about something. I got out my knives and used them to climb down part of the tree to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"So, I heard from B1-75 that Mistress Ventress is coming." I heard one of the Droids say and continued listening, turning on a recorder through my mask to record all information and if I missed something.

"Why would they send her? We have been harvesting the Kyber crystals without any interruption from the Republic, or the Jedi."

"Either way, Count Dooku wishes to send help, says he 'senses' that the Jedi are onto us."

"I just hope that we get the rest of the crystals packed up and shipped to General Grievous for making more powerful weapons." My eyes widened when I heard the news, I was right... they weren't battling us, they were stalling us from their main objective... Kyber crystals for some sort of weapon.

I climbed back up the tree, looking to see if I could get inside to collect evidence. I saw a small hole in the factory wall and made my way over to the hole. Since it was still dark out, I was able to make it through the window, without being spotted by anyone. I entered the dim lit hallway and crept through, quiet and avoiding all cameras I saw and the ones Lunar told me.

After creeping through the halls, I heard voices coming from one of the rooms. I leaned against the wall and looked through to see... Ventress?!?! I was nervous at the thought of Ventress being here earlier than expected, but I composed myself due to Ventress also being able to sense me.

She was talking on a hologram with someone. "Have the miners got all the Kyber crystals yet, my fleet needs them for our next attack against the Republic. Hahah *coughs hard*"

I looked at the Hologram and saw General Grievous coughing, while Ventress talked about the uses of the crystals. I listened carefully and recorded their entire conversation to be sent to Master Plo. They finished their conversation and Ventress went into another room, probably to plan an attack.

I headed towards the table and set up communication with Master Plo, but while setting up communication, Lunar spoke through my mind. 'On your left.' I look to my left and see a big Kyber crystals they mentioned, but this one looked so different.

Instead of glowing a bright, shining color, this crystal seemed dull and lifeless. I picked up the crystal and put in a pocket of my outfit as evidence to help the Republic.

I finished setting up communication and sent a message to Master Plo about what I had discovered. Once I sent the message, I heard footsteps and quickly deleted the message I received from him and used the force to jump into a beam I saw and used my cloak to hide myself in the shadows.

Ventress came back into the room and was looking around for something. She started to scream and use the force to throw bins everywhere.

A holofrom came on and started to speak, "Ventress, have you obtained the Kyber crystal?" I looked closely at the holoform, and saw Count Dooku, who looked very serious and Ventress bowed to Dooku, but I could feel fear through her. "It appears the crystal has been stolen."

"What?!?!" I heard Dooku scream and looked down to see Dooku choking Ventress. "Find that crystal and kill whoever stole it!" The hologram shut off and Ventress coughed a little bit. Droids came out into the room and said, "Mistress, we did a heat signature and found that someone is still in the facility." Ventress stood up, looking around and closed her eyes.

She smiled and said, "I know you're in here!" She screamed and broke the beam I was on.

I quickly leaped off and exited through a small window onto the roof. Lunar jumped out of me and into her medium sized form, waiting for me to get on. I was about to, but then realized the Kyber crystal that they wanted and me as well.

I took the crystal out, along with the recordings I made, and handed it to Lunar, where I put them in a bag she had attached to her. "Listen to me Lunar, take this crystal to Master Plo and the others, as well as the recordings I made."

She wanted to argue, but blaster fire was shooting at us. "Lunar, this information is very important, I am willing to sacrifice my life for you, Master Plo, the clones, everyone if it means that you all live another day. So please Lunar, take this information and send reinforcements back to me." Lunar didn't want to leave, she and I have been through so much and seeing us separate now, made her worry about my future.

I hugged Lunar tightly and she did the same, wrapping her wings around me. "Don't worry about me, when my time is ready, I will greet it with open arms and see you there as well."

Lunar squeezed me tight, but blaster fire was coming too close for comfort and I pulled away from Lunar and turned away from her. I took out my two knives and said, "Now go, and don't look back!" Lunar roared and I jumped while she flew back to Master Plo.

I took out 2 Droids and made a run for it into the woods. Sprinting as fast as I could, using the force as well, I continued to dodge blaster bolts through the woods. I cut my cape off and wrap it around my arms to help avoid the branches.

I then felt an extreme burn in my left shoulder, then another in my back and fell on the ground, unable to move, and I heard a chuckle. Then, someone grabs me by the throat and lifts me off the ground.

For a woman, Ventress was very strong. "Where is the crystal?!?!" I heard her say, but I kept my mouth shut and used my comm link to give my location to Master Plo, hoping I had enough time.

She then raised her lightsaber and instantly I remembered Master Plos dream. This was gonna be my end, how I die and become one with the force.

'No," I thought. I took out one of my arrows and landed a hit on Ventress' arm. She screeched and dropped me, but I used the force and pushed all of them away.

I continued to run as far as I could and then I heard shouting, not of Droids, but of... clones?!?! I picked up my pace and when I got out of the woods I saw the entire 107th crew readying for their assault. I ran to Master Plo's side, who was happy to see me.

"Are you alright little one?"

"I will be alright, got hit with blaster bolts to the bad, but I can still fight." I really wanted to help with this attack, but Master Plo said, "Wolffe, take her to a medical tent and don't let her get into this fight."

Wolffe put my arm around his shoulder to help me keep my balance. "Yes, sir." Wolffe said and walked me to a med-tent, where a clone-med helped with my injuries, which were not terrible.

I took off my mask and hood, trying to call Lunar, and then I heard the tent open. I saw Lunar, who looked so happy and jumped onto me. I groaned a little bit, but was relieved that she was alright.

As I rested with Lunar's head on my lap, I heard the gun fire of both sides and realized that they were getting closer. I got off the bed, with Lunar by my side, but Wolffe was trying to push me back on it. "The General said you needed rest."

"Wolffe, listen, they are getting closer and I can help. All I have to do is be stealthy. Please Wolffe, let me do this."

I couldn't see Wolffe's expression due to his bucket on, but I could tell that he was contemplating me going back out. He sighed and said, "Alright, but stay near me and only defend the med tent."

I smiled and started to put on my cape, hood, and mask. I nodded to Wolffe and Lunar came by my side, ready to defend the troops.

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