Chapter 7 Xena's First Mission

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(Master Plo Koon POV)

I saw Xena running from droids, she looked afraid at what she saw and was trying to make it back to the battalion. I tried calling out to her, but she did not hear me and when I tried to reach her through our bond I could not feel her. I then heard a scream and saw Xena had a blaster bolt wound on her back, her cape was not on her, and her hood had blaster bolt wounds. She fell hard and tried to get up, but she couldn't get up. She tried getting up again, but I then saw Ventress coming towards her. Ventress had a grin on her face and grabbed Xena by the throat. "Where is the crystal?" Ventress hissed at Xena. Xena stayed quiet and due to her mask; I couldn't see her expression. Ventress raised her lightsaber to Xena's stomach and strikes. I tried to run, to see her, but my legs wouldn't move. All I saw was her go limp and saw her life force leave her.

I awoke with a loud gasp as I looked around my surroundings. I looked to see Xena still sleeping on her side with Lunar on her pillow. I relaxed a little bit, but couldn't shake the vision I just got, or more rather nightmare.

I looked at the Holo clock that said it was two in the morning. I only got four hours of sleep and felt tired but was too shaken by my dream. I laid on my cot thinking of what the dream meant: Why was Xena running? Who was she running from? What is this 'crystal' Ventress meant? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I was sending worrying thoughts over to Xena through our bond as she began to stir.

I saw her eyes open, from the looks in her eyes she was very tired. 'Are you okay, Master?' I heard her speak through her mind. I didn't say anything, but Xena could feel how worried I was, with or without our bond.

She got up and walked to the center of the tent and kneeled into a meditative state. She gestured for me to join her, and I kneeled in front of her and kneeled as well. There was no conversation between us, both being physical or mental, we just meditated, something I always told her helps clear my head when I am troubled. After a while of meditating on the 'vision' I finally spoke.

"I had a vision of your mission." She looked up at me, giving me her full attention on the vision. "You were running through the forest from... something. Lunar wasn't there and your cape was gone as well. You fell down due to a blaster bolt to the back and Ventress... she..."

I didn't need to finish my sentence for her to know what had happened in the vision. She didn't look afraid, but then said, "Master, it's okay. I am still here and whatever happens in the morning, I will be ready for it. After all, I was trained by one of the best Jedi Masters."

I chuckled a little bit at her trying to lift my mood and what she had said. Perhaps she was right, maybe it was just a nightmare of the darkside of the force trying to turn me. I saw Xena yawn and looked back at the holo clock, which read two thirty. "We should get back to bed, we have a busy day in the morning."

I said and Xena nodded, not arguing in her current, sleepy, state. She crawled back onto her bed and pulled Lunar close to her chest, which Lunar then woke up and went back into Xena's chest. She then laid down and in just a few minutes she was back asleep. I still stayed awake, trying to figure out if it was only a dream, or nightmare. I don't know how long I tried to figure out what it was, but I soon felt myself slowly falling asleep.

The next time I woke up was when Xena shook me awake so that we could finish her briefing on the mission. I got into my usual Jedi robes and walked into the briefing room along with Wolffe and some of the other troopers.

The briefing went on for about an hour until it was almost 06:00. When the briefing ended, Xena got her hood, mask and cape on. When everyone saw her they all were afraid of how she looked like an assassin.

 When everyone saw her they all were afraid of how she looked like an assassin

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(Picture is not mine, all credit goes to artist)

"Wow, Commander, you look like an actual bounty hunter." Sergeant Sinker said.

"Yeah, you look menacing." said Corporal Comet. Soon all the troopers were commenting on how she looked, even Wolffe said how he liked the outfit.

"If you are all done complimenting my padawan, she should get going on her mission." I spoke and everyone nodded, but not before they all were crushing her into a hug. When they all released her, she went up to me and said, "I will hopefully be back within a couple of hours... take care Master."

She then hugs me, and it took me a few seconds before I wrapped my arms around her. When we pulled away, Lunar appeared on Xena's shoulder. She walked outside and activated her voice modulator, to hide her voice from the enemy.

She also gave me her lightsabers, just so the droids don't know who she is, and had a bow and arrows on her back with a small knife as well. She looked back at me and nodded, and I nodded back to her. She then ran into the woods and in just a few minutes, she disappeared.

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