Her unbreakable will power!

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Everyone was looking at Sha and Talus, with shocked faces as they felt tension between them.

Sha: *She clenched her fists tight as she raised her gaze, looking up at Talus.* "Train me!" *she said, with determination in her tone*

Talus: *He narrows her eyebrows with a glare, looking at Sha.*

Sha: *She nodded confidently* I have time until the next full moon. I promised my comrades I would be there at Selenia waiting for them, in the next full moon. I want to be fully prepared for what will be coming our way, I want to be able to protect everyone on my side, So please, in this given period of time, while I have the chance to get better and stronger, I am asking for your guidance. So please train me. *She asks again in a confident and strong tone as if her will is stronger than anything*

Talus: *He narrows his eyes, glaring down at Sha for a few seconds, then turns around to walk out of Thalasia. * No!

Yasu: "Eh?" *He gasped, blinking rapidly in shock*

Kraton: I completely saw that coming.. *He whispers to Yasu in a soft voice*

Sha: Hah??* She frowned her eyebrows, confusingly tilting her head* W..why? Why not??

Talus: *He walks up to the Thalasia door without saying a word and is about to walk out*

Sha: HmmH.. *She clenches her fist, frowning her eyebrows* Dajaflash! *She says in a fully determined voice*

Yasu: *He tilts his head confusingly* Daja, what now? *He says it loudly enough for Kraton to hear*

Talus: *He stops right away as he heard Sha* hm? *He turns around, looking at her with a glare*

Sha: The legendary sword. Dajaflash! *She added as she caught Talus's attention fully*

Kraton: Oh, is she talking about Djöflar!? *He whispered to Yasu*

Yasu: That must be it! *He whispered back to Kraton as they both were looking at Talus and Sha*

Raizo: Mhm.. *He observes silently*

Talus: Why do you know about the sword? And what about it? *He asks in a bossy tone*

Sha: The main reason why me and my comrades are heading to land after land, is because we are collecting the key pieces. On the day of doom, my father locked the chamber where the Aquamarine gem was kept; after that, he did a spell on the key with my mother, which caused the key to transform into 7 different fractions of light, and each light was sent to each land. And I was given a scroll. To get the actual key, I need to collect every single piece of the key that is hidden in each land. So far, I have obtained keys from Elior, Evergreen, Zaiaku, and Equinox. Our next destination was D'vaheim. And the most suspected place for the key piece to be hidden is Dajaflash. The most sacred and safest place in D'vaheim And as per Yoshida Empire, you still have it. *She starts explaining* The key piece was the main reason I am supposed to be here. But unfortunately, other events took place, and yet here I am, right where I am supposed to be.

Talus: *He narrows his eyes as he glares at Sha, who is explaining* Yoshida Empire.......... You know him? *He asks in a low voice*

Sha: Yes. I know him.. We are comrades. He has been with us for every battle we have been through. Until Andi's death. He disappeared after that. *She looks down as she remembered Yoshida, but clenches her eyes letting out a sigh and the looks up at Talus* But that's not what's important here. It's the whereabouts of Dajaflash. I know you have it, and that's been my goal from the very beginning. The key piece.

Talus: *He narrows his eyes with a glare and says in a serious tone* Yes, I have Djöflar. But, what made you think I would let you have it.? You are not worthy enough to even hold that sword.

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