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Emerson returned home later that night with a loopy grin on her face. She'd enjoyed her time at the women's center far more than she thought she would. Alicia was super sweet and hung out with her while she was there, explaining how the center opened and what she did to help it. Emerson had written herself down at a volunteer before leaving with Alicia's number in her pocket. She sat her bag down before turning to look at Bela who was sitting on the couch.

"Why do you look like you just had good sex?"

"Excuse me? Happiness can come from other things than sex, Bela."

"Well, yeah, but that's boring. Anyway-"

"The women's center. I met some cool gay people." Emerson mumbled, pulling a seltzer out of the fridge.

"Are you gay? Because that sentence would be weird as fuck otherwise." Bela asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, Bela. I am so gay. I literally have a denim jacket covered in rock band pins," Emerson chuckled, taking a swig from the can she was holding.

"I figured. I saw your Instagram post which was hot, by the way- and it all made sense. Especially with the way you eye
fuck Leighton half the time." Bela smiled.

Emerson spluttered, coughing painfully as the bubbles popped into her lungs. "I do not."

"Mhm. You say that now." Bela grinned, looking down at her phone. "Whatever. By the way, Leighton bought us fucking computers? So, yours is on the counter."

Emerson rolled her eyes, making her way toward the island. Of course, the rich girl didn't apologize, she hushed you up with a threw grand MacBook Air. She lifted the screen and was greeted with a yellow sticky note.

Didn't think I'd actually feel sorry. But I do, so, sorry I guess.
Don't tell the other girls.

Emerson looked down at the note, perplexed. Leighton had never shown any emotion towards her but indifference. It kind of made Emerson feel special that Leighton only gave her a note. But that wasn't something she was going to share.  She picked up her computer and walked into her bedroom, flopping down on her bed to start setting it up. She tried to ignore the nagging voice in the back of her head telling her she should talk to Leighton until it became too loud for her to avoid. She closed her computer loudly, standing up with a groan to see where the blond went.

"Do you know where Leighton is?" Emerson asked, rubbing her temples to try and release the built-up tension.

"Nope," Bela said, not looking up from her notebook.

"What are you writing?" Emerson asked, looking over Bela's shoulder.

"I'm trying to put my comedy packet together for the Catullan. I mean, since the party none of them think I'm a real comedian."

"That's what you get for sucking dick," Emerson laughed, earning herself a middle finger.

"Are you slut shaming me?" Bela raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"God, no, I'm straight shaming you." Emerson giggled.

Bela rolled her eyes as Emerson left the dorm. Dusk had just fallen and a light chill had replaced the August humidity. Emerson put her hands in her pockets as she walked toward the center of campus, where the tall stone statue stood looming over the darkened sidewalks. Emerson listened to the crickets for a while before she continued to the foot of the statue. A scream burst her quiet little bubble.

"I'm not fucking hiding! Okay! I am fucking thriving!" Emerson groaned, recognizing the voice of a seriously inebriated Leighton. She sprinted toward the source of the noise, seeing Leighton stuff her phone into her pocket.

"Leighton! Are you okay?" Emerson asked as she came upon the blonde.

"Goddammit! Why does everyone think I'm not fine- I said I'm fucking thriving!" she screamed and to further emphasize her point, smashed the bottle of vodka she was holding.

"Oh, shit-" Emerson groaned as flashlights pointed toward them.

"Hey- stop it right now!"

Emerson had a headache that was most assuredly six times worse than Leighton's hangover. Getting in trouble stressed her out more than anything- including public speaking. Even though the police didn't see Emerson with the alcohol, she was guilty by association, but because she was with Leighton, she also got off with just a hundred hours of community service at the women's center, which didn't feel like a punishment to her, but Leighton on the other hand... Well, she was fucking devastated.

"My mom says she can give 30."

"Ms. Murray, there is no getting out of this. We take underage drinking very seriously here. You are lucky you got off with only one hundred hours." the dean shuffled some papers. "Maybe you'll meet some people you like."

"Oh, sir, I doubt it." Emerson chuckled.

"I hate you,"

"Oh, I know," Emerson chuckled.

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