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Emerson was scrolling through Instagram mindlessly when Leighton slammed the door open, tears streaming down her face. Emerson looked up, sighing as the blonde collapsed dramatically onto her bed.

"Are you okay?" Emerson asked, putting her phone in her jean pocket.

"Get the fuck out!" she screamed. Emerson raised her hands in defeat, sliding off the bed and walking into the living room. She heard the door slam behind her, causing her to jump once more.

"God damn, what's wrong with her?" Bela scoffed. Kimberly shrugged, pulling off her Sips apron.

"You got a job?" Emerson asked. She didn't know many people who had a job at Essex. It was usually just Daddy's money.

"Yeah! I'm so stoked! I'll be able to pay for my daily life- maybe even get Chipotle once a month!" she grinned, untucking her bright red polo. "I brought Leighton a burrito from work. You should give it to her Emerson." Emerson shrugged and took the warm bundle from her hand. She walked back to her room, knocking on the door.

"Fuck off!" Leighton cried. Emerson opened the door a little waving the burrito. "What is that?"

"Kimberly got it from work. I think it's beef." Emerson stepped in.

"Just put it on the table, I don't eat beef." Leighton slumped back down underneath her covers. Emerson closed the door behind her, sitting the burrito next to Leighton. Emerson sat down on her bed, looking expectantly at Leighton.

"What?" Leighton asked, poking her head out from the blankets.

"Spill." Emerson sat back on her bed, lifting her head to get a better look at Leighton.

"I met you like-" Leighton turned her phone on and off, checking the time. "Three and a half hours ago, why the fuck would I do that?"

"I'm a psych major. I need practice, so, if we are going to be seeing like five fucking feet from each other, you're gonna want to tell me things. I'm observant, so I'll figure it out eventually. Is it something to do with your friends?" Emerson, rested her head in her hands, trying to get comfortable on the hard mattress.

"Um, yeah. They didn't want to room with me, they said they felt like I was 'hiding something from them?' Which is like, so fucking stupid." Leighton wiped her cheek as a tear rolled down it.

Emerson sat for a moment, not wanting to spook Leighton back into silence. "Why would they think that?" she asked quietly, looking at Leighton with genuine interest.

"I'm not the most open person in the world. But like- who wants people in their business all the time? Not fucking me." she grumbled, looking down at her bed. She took a huge bite of the burrito, sour cream spreading across her cheek.

Emerson chuckled, moving to sit next to Leighton. "Sorry, you have something on your face. Can I get it?" she asked. Leighton nodded sheepishly, holding still. Emerson picked up a tissue from the bedside table, gently wiping the sour cream off her face. Leighton looked up at her, their eyes locking until Emerson pulled away. She cleared her throat, backing away deliberately.

"You should sit up. You'll get heartburn if you're not careful." she threw the tissue away. "I'll be in the dining hall if you need me. My number is on the fridge. Kimberly made us all write them down for 'group chat purposes'. If you need anything shoot me a text."

Leighton nodded and watched as Emersin exited rapidly. She'd been here three and a half hours and she already had a crush. That was not the timeline she'd expected. But Leighton was just so irresistible. New, exciting, unknown. Unlike the girls back in Queens. The gay ones were either too emo to look at without crying, or too pixie dream girl to look at without wanting to claw your eyes out. She wasn't sure about Essex, but she did read it had a women's center, which was overarchingly queer. She decided at that moment, standing awkwardly in the living room, that she would join the women's center. It's not like that moment needed to be declared, but it felt extremely monumental for Emerson. Her first big college decision! (Other than deciding which wall Taylor would go on.) She flopped down on the couch, her cheeks red. Whitney walked in with two Cokes.

"Yo- you good?" She asked, tossing Emerson the bright red bottle.

"Yeah. I'm good. I'm great," she sent back a wide grin, popping the tab on the can and taking a large swig.

"Do your parents not give you soda at home or something?"

"They do, it's just that college soda tastes different!"

"Oh, that is the most cringe thing I've ever heard." Whitney chuckled.

"You just fucking snorted so- you're the cringe one." Emerson shot back.

"Ok, just watch the damn tv." Whitney sat down next to Emerson, flipping the small tv on. Emerson settled in quietly. Her first day at college was almost complete.

psych- Leighton Murray Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz