What plans do people make?

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Bates holding a new packet of coffee beans in his hands. "You're selling this place?" his voice heart broken.

"Yes, and I am near sixty-seven years old. And so far, no-one wants to take over, besides many people get their grocers at Hempton great market street. This place is not part of the main town anymore." An old woman with a warm wool jacket and well-cut hair said. "Besides I already have a buyer that is planning to turn this into a fancy restaurant."

Bates eyebrows raise up "Hempton fancy?"

The owner smiles "actually it going to be food sciences and design restaurant."

"Well, that's surprising? Have they thought of a name, do you know?" Bates almost giddy from gossip.

She thought for a moment "from what I know they going to try have something simple and straight to the point. To fit within the local astatic Though how it is going to work I am not sure."

"I hope everything work out" as Bates tip his hat to her.

Walking out Bates shoulder slumps as if all his joy been taken; "here this is for you" as he passes the coffee bag to her.

As the turn closer to the main road of Hempton large treads move building suspend over the road with stairs on both sides to allow people to hop on and off, as automobiles drove under it. It is one of its kind caffe that takes a lazy loop around Hempton. It completes its loop in two hours, starting at nine in the morning and finish at four in the afternoon. Many unformal businesses gathering that lead to formal agreements. Up on the veranda of the caffe sat a blond woman in pink cotton jacket and a lazy curl sat with three other people in flamboyant lace suits and gold and violet strips.

"Is that Miss Rose Karma?" Terrie as stone rub together.

Bates smile widens "You know, I heard that they make a really lovely red pea soup with ham honk."

Walking up onto the caffe slow her steps as everything in background away from her. Bates however did not have a problem as he almost skip up onto the top of the caffe. Her hand grips tight. As she makes to the top Bates is already placing beads into waiter's hand.

"I got the soup on the go. Should we say high," as his eyes twinkle more.

In a corner a vase with bight sunny yellow jump. Following behind Terrie can see Rose burning soul behind her eyes. She just makes out what Bates have said. He then makes his way to a table just far enough that they won't be able to hear though able to see them at all times.

Rose back straightens as Bates approach. Her lawyer and business manager sat with her become silent as they take in as the stranger approach.

"Hello Miss Karma, I was not expecting you to be here?" He leans over towards her lawyer "Detective Bates at your service and over there is my partner Constable Detective Cotta."

The lawyer gives a sour smile "nice to meet you."

"Well then I will leave you to it I hope this investigation does not interfere with your future plans." As if talking about the current new chatter box drama.

Once he left her companions eyes stare with clear steal in them.

"I think Miss Karma before we can continue that you should assist with Detective Bates investigation."

Rose nods her head and with absolute care made her way towards them.

Terrie can see the extra force of Miss Rose steps as she made her way towards them. Whatever was said has made Rose a freezing cold anger.

"Detectives how can I help you?"

Bates did not smile "Now Miss Rose, why would you need a lawyer?"

"I do not see why you should know?" Miss Rose snap. Her professional cool in being pressed by other people pushing for their way disappearing.

Bates voice colder than an avalanche "then we will have to theories Miss Rose and if we have to theories, I don't know what may lead too. And then you know what they say around here."

Rose mouth pinch and she stand tall. In this instant she looks like a young version of Louise. "If you must know I am going to own my own business."

Terrie notices a man of middle age with flex of sliver in his straw hair if closer to brown walking towards them "Sorry to impose. Rose I'll wait for you at the table."

Terrie back straightens. Having seen his face on many newspapers and his voice chatter box. Her was an investor and has help many businesses be able to set up. One investing he has contributed to is the instant audio device. So, fare there are only six in the world with plans to have one at every corner on every street, police station and hospital. Though the fey are rioting against these instant audio devices.

Bates recognizing this man as well. The man gave a brief tip of his head to Bates and them. Rose put a clam face back together "I believe my investor proves my point. Are there any more questions?"

"The tea" Terrie voice muscle quick before Rose can make her leave. "The tea Miss Rose" Terrie repeats slower as Rose stop her movements.

Rose still as prey would when an accounted sound cannot be trace to the perpetrator "what about the tea?"

"you said that you made tea after seven. Do you always make tea for your employer?" Terrie asks if one would construct a hole.

Rose carefully arranges her words "yes, I make her tea. And yes, it was sometime after seven."

Terrie knew she has to be careful how she presents her next question "Did Mrs Louise Teapot have any other meeting that day?"

"No just the meeting with Andersson." Rose states.

Terrie fiddle with a fork "its just that the family mention a meeting at six o'clock and that they mention that you are the one to tell them that it was cancelled."

"It is a cancelled meeting therefore no meeting besides for Mister Anderson. Therefore, only one meeting that night." Rose states.

"Yes however you said that you return at seven, however you were the one to have told Louise family that their meeting with their mother was cancel at six?" Terrie charge on.

"I had to come back earlier due to the six o'clock meeting and went to report to Mrs Louise. She was going through her dairy and told me that the meeting was cancelled. I told them and I decided that I will have an early dinner before Mister Anderson." Her words a fury of anger.

"Is there anyone that can confirm about you having dinner there?" Bates adds to the questioning.

Rose suck in a deep breath "Marie a housemaid may have been around to attended Mrs Louise for the night. One of her jobs is to make sure breakfast is prep and lunch is cook for the staff. Normally a roast of some kind and general cleaning."

"Thank you for your assistances" Terrie adds. As Rose mood darkens faster than a night sky.

As Rose went a waiter came with a brown paper with a smell of thick spice of beetroot soup.


Louise sat over a great glass and gold desk with a fight lion and snake under the glass top. Louise scribe how murder is a crime and that she a pillar of the community with giving jobs and all types of support for new innovation. Daiki wore a simple smock and leather pants.

"So, you made your views clear about Gorge, Ian and their wives. So, then what is your views on Rose?" Daiki sound young and naive with a type of curiosity that can leave a scare on either party.

Louise silences as her pen scratch across paper. She did not have much of an opinion of Rose. Though like many people; Rose is still not have a drive of being a boss.

"She just looks like me. She does not have the ambition in making the clay bend with our magic let alone have a drive to be on top. Her lack of drive she gets from her father side." Louise snide. "And he did not want to run the business. His family are what people by for stock and gravy! However, he just happy with five percent of his family company!"

"So Rose Karma is an heiress and does not need any of your money." Daiki smile as she pulls a forgotten truth to Louise ears.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon