Spring Cleaning

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Its morning and as it fell on half day workday and Anna having her own little office at home have set up to be more comfortable to organize the on-call duties. Collin would be with Roddie take a late afternoon patrol and Tom taking a morning patrol.

Terrie having dim her flame to a size of a candle in the last five hours of the night. The sun first rays have start to push darkens from the sky as she came out of her intermediate status. Jarred is quietly chatting to Bates in the kitchen over coffee and something hot. That something bubbles a thick brown that did not give any attempt to look like coffee. It is when a large screaming of a voice of a shirking woman that jolt the three of them out. Standing in silences.

"What is that?" Bates tone low and slow.

A large crack follow by sound topple-tupple-topple. Taking the back door, leaving their hot coffee behind. Jared, Bates and Terrie peer into the sky. They see large humanoid creatures with extra eyes, arms or animal features. One with a flamingo head and sparkly body with no defining features that will make it male or female. In its hands a large flaming club.

"Spells, herbs, incenses and tea-reading! Not again" McClouds shouts as face going ruddy. Hair frazzle and clothes plain.

Gods have return in the sky for all to see and hear. Their appearances not welcome. For now, they are fighting among themselves. Though what some have did last time, fighting will be considered tame. Compare to plagues or flooding as punishment to unexpecting mortals. From deuce point of secondary and quarter live Medio a young man who insulted an unknown woman declaring the girl who works with his family pigs have more class. The woman who turns to be a goddess made him into a swine. It was luck that another goddess that witness taken favor when a mortal insults her adversary. Though Medio was never the same.

"Where did you come from?" Bates placing his machinal hand to his heart.

Wz McCloud gave him the stink eye. "Well," the word itself came out, challenging as a wolf would stare down at an intruder; "I was sleeping in my office."

Bates blink "I do not know you had an office?"

Wz McCloud eyes look down his nose. Face blank as glass. Bates scratch the back of his head as a small grin. "There is coffee on the kitchen bench."

Mc Cloud stare down Bates a little more then walk back inside.

"They are not a ray of sunshine without their morning coffee" Bates sheepishly said. "Terrie, once we are ready, we talk to Ivan."

Terrie can nod her head. She was already ready to go. And being back inside for a little longer will keep the eyes of the gods away for a while. Waiting for Bates to get ready was a bit of a comedic drama that are popular on the chatter-boxes. It was late morning and Jarred and Mc Cloud have already left to have a day off.

Getting to Ivan would be easy as being confirmed by sending a letter through the tube to the Teapot Manor. They have received a reply that Ivan is there and is helping with inventory on their mother belongings. As puffs of steam sail into the air. Terrie cannot help noticing along with the gods in the world there is a change in the animals. Some animals having more legs. Or horns that carry fine food and drinks. Birds themselves have bejewel feathers. The animals will probably stay that way until the gods fade far into the sky. As they travel Bates and Terrie did not cross another locomotive.

Approaching up to Teapot manor has a change around it. There are more flowers and great big white elk grazing on the lawn. Trees have lusher leaves. A gnome driving a wheelbarrow with many wilting plants and brown leaves tips their hat to them with rosy cheeks. As they came closer many items of chairs, tables and a bed are set out on the lawn. Gorge with Rose are talking to people with thick satchels and large googles with fine top hats. A maid having seen them gave a trot and with a quick explanation ask them to go to the back and enter from the kitchen.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now