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Rylee's POV

"What's wrong?" Jace worriedly questions

"Did he see you!?!"

" yes" I say flatly

"We need to run to the car, let's go" Jace anxiously states while grabbing my hand attempting to run with me.

"NO" I argue while facing Jace " I'm tired of running I need to face this" I say while yanking my hand back.

" I agree with that"

'It's him'  Mila hoarsely whispers to me
Silas' POV

She is so boring.


'God I don't know why, Xander's dumb ass thought we would make a good pair' Syan nagged

'Shut up, this is best for the pack'

Syan whimpered and went mute. We don't talk anymore really. Our mind link began to fade with our mate and put Syan in a state of depression. Well me too, but even more so him. I think that's why Xander ordered me on this date. I think he's hoping it will lift my veil of depression.

Her name is Ana. See, even her name is boring. We talked about the life and the pack mostly. She is a preschool teacher for the young pups. Apparently she lost her mate during one of our many attacks. She kept trying to use this as a way to bond with me. 'The difference is you lost your mate, mine is still out there somewhere' Syan sneered every time she said she understands what I'm going through.

She went across the table and rubbed my hand "I know it's hard right now, but trust me it only gets harder trying to go through it alone"

I'm disgusted.

I hated that she touched me. It felt so wrong. It felt like I was betraying my mate. Yeah I know that we've been apart for months now, but Rylee hasn't been sexually active with anyone during this time. I know because of my mark. Even though we are not fully mated I would be able to tell if it was tampered with by another male. That has to count for something right? Our wolves we are constantly yearning for physical affection, if she's denying that part of her then that must mean she only wants me right? That she still loves me. This also causes me to think that she must know her attacker, an unknown attacker probably would have forced himself on her by now.

Angrily, I keep trying to wrap my brain around these thoughts I've been having for these past months. It's starting to stress me out. Not listening to Ana, I rub my face and look towards the window that showcases our beautiful town, in order to regain some sense of claim. That's when I see something. Near the edge of the frame. I squint to get a better look across the room, but as soon as I do it's gone. Something in me told me to keep watching. So I did. I squinted harder, not listening to Ana, making sure I'm ready this time. That's when I noticed, two small brown eyes sparkling with potential tears.

'Those just aren't any teary brown eyes' Syan boomed

I ran out from our booth and towards the front door. All of the dining guest gasp from the commotion. I vaguely hear Ana yell "What the fuck?!" As I make my way out the door.

I make a left out the door. Turning to the wall the window should be.

That's where I see her. She looks different. Her hair is straight, her wardrobe is dark, and her face looked too thin for my liking. She looked like she hadn't ate a good meal in a long time. She had slight bags underneath her eyes, which she attempted to conceal with makeup. Overall, she looked nice but I could tell the weakening of our bond had taken affect on her whether she likes to admit it or not.

That's when I noticed a rogue right beside her. Was this her kidnapper? Was he the reason she hasn't came home? I couldn't find her? Was he the reason she hasn't been mind linking me? I grew more and more pissed as I dealt with these thoughts.

"KILL HIM" Syan demanded. Syan's demand made me start to shift, until I noticed him grab her hand. He didn't snatch her up or man handle her. He grabbed her hand. Is she with him now? I unintentionally gasp and slowly approach while Syan takes over.

"NO" she boomed a little spit flying towards his face

I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me happy

" I'm tired of running I need to face this" she continued, while yanking her hand back.

"FINALLY!" I mentally yell to Syan since he's in control right now. He could tell I was too upset by their closeness earlier to handle this situation properly.

" I agree with that" he stated on our behalf

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