thirty seven

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He had hardly looked at her for the next two days. Instead of coming to her office and giving her a direct order, he sent his requests by email. This afternoon, she entered his office to bring the files he had asked her for, he kept his eyes on the screen as he said, "Put it on the desk. Next time just ask Maria to do it."

Maria Gonzales was her replacement and she was giving her proper training starting this week. Monday and Tuesday were fine. But since that day she had refused to have a late breakfast with him, he had been ignoring her, and having Maria around made everything feel more real. It made her realize that she only had another month left before she would leave Summers Entertainment for good.

Everyone in the office did not find anything odd going on between them, after all, they had never been close. Their relationship had always been strictly professional. With them agreeing previously that they would keep their relationship a secret with an exception of his family, in her head she knew that everyone was supposed to believe they did not like each other. Yet after the last time they had been together, she was not sure it was an act on his part. Finally, when the weekend came and he did not call nor did he ask her to come over or spend the weekend with him, she knew that it was over.

Friday night after work, Andin went to the Italian restaurant nearby the office. Damon had gone there and reserved a table for the two of them. Tanner had gone to San Francisco for work and would only be back on Tuesday thus both Andin and Damon always had dinner together. Andin crossed the street while holding her small purse against her side. There were a few tables outside and she spotted her friend almost immediately. "Dee!" She walked towards their table and then took a seat next to him so they both could watch the outdoor part of the restaurant and the pedestrians passing by. "Have you been waiting for long? I had to create minutes of meeting and send them to all attendees before I could head back."

"No worries, Andin Mia Bella, I have been enjoying the view." Damon wiggled his eyebrows towards a handsome brunette guy sitting behind her who looked like he had just walked out of a magazine.

"Dee! You have already gotten Tanner, remember?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Does not mean that I can no longer look and enjoy window shopping."

Andin shook her head exasperatedly and sighed. A waiter came to their side and took their order. She ordered pesto linguine and bruschetta while Damon went for risotto. They both ordered mushroom soup for an appetizer and a bottle of Chardonnay.

"How was your day, darling?"

She refrained herself from sighing again. Normally she would find a day like today to be quite average but with the silent treatment she had been receiving from Sebastian, the day felt longer than usual. "It was fine. Lots of meetings and call conferences." The waiter came back and poured her a glass of wine which she accepted gratefully. "How about you?"

"Boring as fuck, to be honest with you. I was trying to call Tanner but he was so tied up with work so I ended up doing some online shopping." He waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, I have been curious. Why have I not seen Mister Hottie coming out of your flat these days? Has the sex run out?"

"Maybe you could call Tanner now. He should be off work now," suggested Andin then took another sip of the wine.

Damon moved his forefinger left and right. "No. No. No. You can not change the subject or try to distract me, Missy! Tell me what happened. Did you two break up?"

"How could we?" She scoffed. "We have never started dating."

"Then what were those I saw happening for the last month? Sneaking around? A couple of one-night stands?" He leaned forward, eyes narrowed. "Please do not tell me you both were watching movies inside your flat because I know damn sure whatever you were watching would not make such noises."

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