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"Damon did offer to come with me," started Andin, a little unsure whether she had to tell him the truth. It would be very embarrassing indeed to acknowledge that she had a friend who pretended to be her boyfriend. She was not sure she could bear him knowing. She would die if she saw him giving her a mocking smile or any snide remark. Although she would soon leave his company, she wanted to leave with her dignity remain intact. "But I do not want to trouble him."

Sebastian frowned. A few lines formed on his forehead as his eyebrows joined in the middle. "Why not? He is your boyfriend. If I were him, I would insist on coming."

"He-" Andin swallowed convulsively. "Well, Damon is a dear friend and I am sure he is busy with work. It is Monday after all."

"Friend?" Her boss's face looked every bit confused. His brows shot up, his eyes widened. He almost looked lost. "Did you two break up?"

Instead of answering his question, she seized the moment to sip her mocha and then busied herself opening the wrappings and eating the cheese tart. "Oh, this is delicious."

"Crystal said her husband and the twins made them," commented her boss. Then he seemed hesitant before adding, "I am glad that it is up to your liking."

Andin blinked then swallowed the piece she was chewing. This was perhaps the first time that he seemed to care. Or perhaps this was the first time she finally noticed that he did. Then she recalled what had happened earlier, how he remembered how she always took her coffee. Moreover, he recalled the exact reason why and the way he had said that it was an important thing to remember somehow made a small part of her heart shift.

Once they finished their tarts and coffee, they walked together side by side to the front of the cafe. He held the door open for her before stepping outside. "I have my car parked not far."

"It is fine." Andin gave him a reassuring smile. "I will walk my way back to the office."

Her boss lifted one brow. "Believe me, I know it is fine, Miss Williams, but I do not see the reason why we should part ways when our destination is clearly the same. It will save more time and energy if you simply join me."

"If you insist, boss."

"Oh, I do." The seriousness in his face loosened up a little as his lips stretched into a charming, lopsided smile. "Shall we?"

He led the way to his car and opened the door for her before going over the hood and then entering the car. It was not the first time Andin had ever been in his car but this was the first time she was here and not for business. At least, not entirely. For the years she had been his secretary, she had always been professional. She had never gone to his house unless it was to discuss business matters and she had never gone for lunch with him unless a client was present. With Sebastian's string of lovers, he had never run out of company so naturally, he never had to ask his secretary to accompany him unless the business demanded it. And Andin had no qualms with that. If anything, she would prefer it that way.

"Thank you," said Andin once the car was parked in the basement of their office building. They walked out of the car towards the lift at the far end.

Sebastian hit the call button before she had the chance to and once again Andin thanked him.

"You said that a lot today, Miss Williams. Would it perhaps make you feel better if you were to repay my kindness?"

"W-what? How?"

Sebastian leaned back, studying her as if he liked what he saw. "Perhaps I can come up with something," he remarked.

It was her turn to stare at him. "You'll think of something?" she queried eagerly.

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