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"Darling, you simply must show me your dress! I know it is my wedding but I want to see yours anyway," said Damon cheerfully as he clapped his hands, showing how impatient he truly was.

Andin took a deep breath, then put her hands up. "First of all, please don't be mad."

"Oh, I do not like the sound of this," commented Damon under his breath.

"Just think of it like this, it is your wedding so you should be the focus. All eyes should be on you. The spotlight is yours so it is only right if I wear whatever dress that fits me regardless of how they look. It is not important," dismissed Andin with a shrug.

"It is important when Sebastian Freaking Summers will be there with you!" protested Damon, eyes widened in disbelief.

"Could you please stop calling him that?" She lowered her body and sat on the edge of her bed. "He is still my boss." Then she recalled her resignation letter and added, "well, at least for the next two and a half months."

"Fine. But show me your dress."

Andin stood and walked to her wardrobe cabinet then pulled out a plain white gown. "Here."

Damon's first reaction was a blink. Then his lips parted until they were too far apart and his jaw was on the floor. "Are you kidding me?!"

"Oh, come on," groaned Andin as she put the dress on top of her mattress and then sat next to it. "It's not that bad."

"It's worse! Are you the virgin bride trying to steal Tanner away from me or something? That dress looks like it belongs centuries ago!"

"You are exaggerating."

"Perhaps I am but nobody wears that many laces these days."

Andin was about to argue when there was a knock on her door. She blinked, confused. Who would be visiting early on Saturday afternoon?

"I will be back, there's someone at my door," she told Damon then strode to the front door. Surprisingly, there was a delivery man at the door. He smiles, tilting his hat back slightly when she swung the door open.

"Miss Andin Williams?" he queried in which she answered with a nod. "Got a special delivery for you. Can you please sign here?" He handed her the machine and she quickly signed it once she double-checked that the package was indeed directed to her.

"Who is it from?" she asked blankly as she could not find the sender's name on the display.

"I don't know. It is not stated here," the guys said, shrugging. "Perhaps it is a surprise for you." He winked then handed the package to her and left after saying, "Good day, Miss Andin!"

Then he was gone. Andin stared at the long, flat box that the delivery guy had given her, wondering who the hell it could be from and what was in it.

"What is it?" Damon who had followed her to the front asked curiously.

"I don't know," Andin replied truthfully as she turned over the package, looking for any written address or name. "There is no return address."

"Well, open it and see what it is!" Damon exclaimed. "Perhaps you just won a lottery or some sort."

Andin laughed at his remarks. Since she had never bought any lottery, she doubted that would be the case. Still, driven by curiosity, she grabbed a pair of scissors from the kitchen. It slid easily through the tape and she carefully opened the box. The first thing she saw was silky, rich dark red material, covered in delicate sparkles that reflected the light. She opened the box the rest of the way, revealing its content, and stared.

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