34. Lucky Break

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 "The things I do for love," he said with loathing. He gave Bran a shove. Screaming, Bran went backward out the window into empty air. There was nothing to grab on to. The courtyard rushed up to meet him. 

Jon swore that Hayley was right beside him but he opened his mouth to speak and she was gone, within a blink. He looked around confused and then heard the screams. 

Bran was still screaming in panic waiting for the dreaded splat but it never came. 

"HAYLEY!" Bran shouted clinging to her. 

"Hey cutie, what were you doing up there?" Hayley questioned her gaze shifted up and only heard a set of rapid heart beats. 

Brans own heart was racing, he was hyperventilating, fear still coursing through him. 

"Get the maester!" Catelyn demanded when he passed out. "What happened!" Catelyn spat as though Hayley hadnt just caught him.  As though Hayley was the one that almost killed Bran. 

"He was climbing." Hayley offered. "Must have slipped..."

Catelyn's eyes darted up but Jon's gaze stuck on Hayley. 

Word was sent to the hunting group and they came right back. Ned pushed open Bran's door and Bran stared back at him. 

"What in seven hells-" Ned began. 

"Hayley saved me! She caught me!" Bran declared. "I swear I'm fine." Bran assured. 

"Why were you climbing!" Catelyn shrieked for the millionth time. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Bran shouted back as he jumped out of bed. 

"No!" Catelyn demanded grabbing his arm. "You stay in bed-"

"I'm fine! I just told you, Hayley saved me!" Bran shouted thrashing in her grip. "Let me go!" Bran demanded. 

"The maester-"

"Said I'm fine, just got scared and blacked out." Bran whispered. "I'm fine!" 

"What happened?" Ned questioned kneeling before him. 

"I dont know." Bran whispered. "I dont remember." 

"I have seen you climb that tower day, night, rain, and snow... you never fall." Ned whispered as Hayley peered in. 

"Well I did." Bran whimpered. "HAYLEY!" Bran pushed past his parents and hugged her tight. 

"Hey kiddo, just checking on you. Good as new?" Hayley pondered picking him up. Catelyn was surprised as the strength of Hayley as she picked up Bran as though he were a babe, not a young boy. 

"I just dont remember what happened." Bran declared loudly. 

"Amnesia." Hayley pondered. 

"What?" Bran questioned wrapping his arms around her neck. 

"It's when you forget something and can't remember it." Hayley offered. 

"Yeah, I have that." Bran agreed. "I cant remember." he shouted. "I remember nothing, I remember nothing!" Hayley thought he seemed to be shouting for a purpose, a purpose of telling whoever he saw, whoever might have pushed him, telling them he didnt know when Hayley knew he knew.

"Lay back down, please!" catelyn shouted. 

"Some fresh air, might jog the memory." Hayley countered. Bran leaned into Hayley refusing to let go. "I can keep a good eye on him." 

"Yes." Ned agreed as he moved towards her, Catelyn was barking no, no, no. "I will walk with you." Ned agreed opening the door. 

"She was there and she wasnt." Jon rasped still processing.

"What are you jabbering about?" Robb pondered. 

"Hayley, she was just... and then she... and... damn." Jon murmured. 

"You got a thing for the kings mum? Is that it?" RObb teased. 

"What? No. I was just talking to her and then... well she..." Jon sighed shaking his head. 

"Dont let the king hear you got a thing for his mum or you wont make it to the wall." Robb teased. 

"I dont. I'm just confused." Jon corrected as he marched off. 

"Doesnt remember a thing." Hayley remarked, Bran rode on her back as they moved. Bran ducked his head when he saw Cersei and Jaime. 

"I'm glad you are alright, Bran." Mycella remarked smiling up at him. 

"Thanks." Bran murmured. 

"You are going to break Hayley's back." Ned remarked. Bran refused to let go. 

"I'm fine, I'm deceptively strong." Hayley assured. "Hey Mycella can you check on Tommen for me?" Mycella nodded running off. 

"Just the most peculiar thing." Tyrion remarked to his siblings. "Hayley is calling it amnesia." 

"He really doesnt remember a thing?" Cersei sneered. 

"Praise the Gods old and new-" Tyrion corrected staring up at them. "-That Hayley was there to catch him and didnt kill herself in the process."

"Yes, yes," Cersei grumbled. 

"Northern charms are lost on you sister, this is a good thing." Tyrion remarked. 

"He doesnt remember a thing?" Jaime questioned and Tyrion walked off with a huff. 

"He slipped, stop acting shady." Tyrion requested. 

"How did you catch him?" Renly questioned over supper. "I mean like, catch him, mid fall... damn I wish I saw that." 

"I was nearby." Hayley offered. "Say him falling and just..." she extended her arms out. 

"Did you see a maester?" Loras pondered. "I would have snapped my arms off." 

"You need a stronger pet, Renly." Robert laughed out. "But did you see a maester?"

"I'm perfectly fine." Hayley assured. Jon stared back at her from across the dinning hall. "Just lucky I suppose." 

"Mum's a good luck charm." Robert agreed. 

"Lucky Break."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now