Chapter 29 Internships are Over

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Right now we see Ryukyu and FatGum standing in front of Izuku because today is the last Day of the Internships and they are saying Goodbye 

Ryukyu: Well Izuku you take care and Work hard to be a Hero alright

FatGum: We are sorry we couldn't Teach you much I guess we Failed being Hero instructors

Izuku: You didn't fail

Ryukyu: What do you mean 

Izuku: You taught me a lot more than you know 

Izuku Just Teleports away before they can ask him what he means as we cut to Izuku teleporting in his Room to see it Sprayed Painted with "Freak" "Monster" and other unpleasant words just as Aizawa walks in pushing Sero and Denki in his Room with White Paint as they see Izuku standing their 

Aizawa: Izuku your Back Sorry about the Room these Brats got back Early and decided to Spray Paint all of these, Now as Punishment they will repaint it White and will be Expelled because this is their 3rd Strike 

Denki: Why do we have to get Expelled we are only Doing what is Right 

Sero: That is Right this Freak should not even be here

Aizawa: Shut up and Start Painting and Izuku Katsumi, Shoka, Midnight and Mirko are down stairs waiting for you 

Izuku doesn't say anything and just walks out of the Room and heads downstairs to the Common room to see Katsumi, Shoka, Midnight and Mirko Talking as they see Izuku and go hug him 

Katsumi: Welcome Back Ichan 

Shoka: How was the Internship with Ryukyu and FatGum 

Izuku: It was Alright

Midnight: Well that is Good also I saw you made a Big impression on Lady Nagant 

Mirko: Yea she is now my assistant coach for Gym Class which I don't mind but she wanted to be close to you 

Izuku: I sensed that she wanted to do that but Anyway where are Momo, Kyoka, Rias and Yui 

Katsumi: Oh they Took Eri to the Mall with Inko when they Got Back

Shoka: We would have went with them but we got here after they Left

Izuku: I can Teleport you to them 

Midnight: No that is alright anyway I heard what those Idiots did to your Room and you need a Place to stay 

Izuku: I will just stay on the Floor in the Common room I don't use a Bed so I can sleep on any Floor 

Katsumi: No you need to have a Room Ichan so you stay in my Room 

Shoka: No stay in mine, My Room is a different from Everyone elses and I just have a Futon which is just on the Floor meaning you would feel the most comfortable with my bed

Midnight: No way If Izuku is Going to Sleep with a Girl it has to be a mature woman that knows what she is Doing 

Mirko: That is why he will be staying with Me 

Izuku: Actually I already Have a Place to Stay 

Katsumi: Not the Common Area Ichan 

Izuku: No with Someone

Girls: WHO 

Izuku: Shinso I telepathy talk to him and ask him if I could stay in his Dorm and he said yes 

The Girls look at each other and Sighs 

Katsumi: He does need to hang out with His New Male friend

Shoka: And Tenko is Visiting David Shield to help come up with Support Gear to help control his Quirk if he gets to emotional

Midnight: It is also best we all might have done something 

Mirko: I am getting Close to my Heat Cycle again since I haven't taken care of it yet so If he did spend the Night I would have pounced on him

Izuku: What do you mean 

Girls: Nothing 

As the Day goes by with the other girls coming back with Inko and Eri who was Happy to see her Papa they all had Supper as Izuku Teleports to Shinso's Room scaring him 

Shinso: OH JESUS

Izuku: Sorry 

Shinso: Do Teleport in every place you go to 

Izuku: Yes 

Shinso: Good to Know Izuku anyway I set up that Mat for you Let you asked 

Izuku: Thank you Shinso 

Shinso: Not at All you help me see that My Pain wasn't caused by everyone else it was caused from my misunderstanding

Izuku: I am Glad I could help 

Shinso: Anyway Izuku you want to Play some MK 11 or Something

Izuku: What is that 

Shinso: A Video game

Izuku: I have never Played a Video Game 

Shinso: Oh we need to correct that 

Shinso tells Izuku to sit as he hands Izuku a PS4 controller and puts in MK 11 and tells Izuku the Controls after a Few Matches that Izuku lost he started to get a Hang out the controls and combos and started to destroy Shinso 

Shinso: Damn it Your Learning 

Izuku: This Fun 

Shinso: I know right just wait until I show you the Other Games I have 

Izuku: I look forward to Playing

The Play Video Games all night long 

Meanwhile with Sir Nighteye and All Might 

Nighteye: Alright we attack the Villain in 2 Days 

AM: Good That Villain will never know what hit him and I am So Glad David is helping us 

Nighteye: He must have had a Change of Heart and realised that Saving you is more Important and that Izuku is a Freak 

AM: Good 

Meanwhile with David Shield, Melissa and Tenko we see them all having Dinner 

David: So Tenko how are the Gloves 

Tenko: Great Mr. Shield

David: Oh Come on I told you to call me David 

Melissa: Papa he is being polite and probably doesn't feel comfortable saying your First Name 

Tenko: Thank you Melissa

Tenko smiles making Melissa Blush which David noticed and smirks 

David: So Tenko you have a Girlfriend

Melissa: PAPA

Tenko looked away embarrassed by the question as he speaks quietly

Tenko: N-No sir 

David: I see anyway Melissa Dear can you help Tenko with his training tomorrow I need to Talk with your Principal 

Melissa (Blushing): Sure Papa I can Help Te-Tenko 

Both Melissa and Tenko blush and don't look at Each other as David takes a Sip of his Wine 

David 'Awww my Little Girl has a Crush on Tenko she can't date him just yet but the More they Hang out and wait from the Right age they can'

David starts to laugh a little which confused Melissa and Tenko 

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