Chapter 27 The Others and Big reveal

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Right now lets take a Break from Izuku and see how the Others are doing

As we see Katsumi and Shoka walking into Endeavor's Office as they see Him and Rei going over some Paperwork 

Shoka: Mom, Dad 

Endeavor: Ahh Princess and Young Bakugou welcome Glad you're Here

Rei: Welcome You two 

Shoka: Dad I told you to Stop Calling me Princess

Katsum: Thank you Both for Sending in a Request to train me 

Endeavour: Of Course Young Bakugou you are my Daughter's Best Friend and you both are Dating Izuku and I see great potential in you as a Hero you have so much room to Grow and that is the Same to you Shoka

Rei: That is Right Girls, I wish Izuku came also, I would have loved to get to know My Future Son in Law 

Shoka: MOM

As Shoka blushes hard as Katsumi also blushes because if Shoka marries Izuku that means she also marries Izuku 

Endeavour: Rei Honey we will Meet Izuku full more later 

Rei: Right anyway we should go over a Few things about being a Hero and Your Trainer while your Here 

Endeavour: See Girl in Today's Hero Society most Heroes well don't Really care for safety anymore 

Shoka: What do you mean 

Endeavour: Have a seat and we will explain

As all 4 sit down 

Endeavour: It is Sad to say but Heroes today only Care about Money and Fame

Rei: Sure they will save lives when they need to but they are Mostly on Talk Shows, Doing sponsorship deals, merch deals and Some other stuff 

Endeavour: A Prime example is Mt. Lady look how many Pictures of her of her Showing her Ass to the Camera, That is making her popular because of it

Katsumi: She requested me to Join her 

Shoka: Same 

Endeavour: Well it's a Good thing you didn't Go you would have probably just did her Chores around her Office or Something

Rei: The Point is some Heroes only do this to seek Fame and Fortune, But being a Hero is more 

Endeavour: We don't just Fight Villains, We help the community, The Only Time we Fight Villains is if we have to, And I will admit that sometimes there is Damaged but For me and Rei we help Fix the Damage we Make

Shoka: Is that why you always go and Buy materials for repairs

Rei: Yes Sweetie we Go and Actually do the Work with the Owners or the People that are Hired to rebuild

Katsumi: Wow that is Amazing 

Endeavour: Well if we caused the Damage it is only Right that we Fix it, Quirks are not Toys they are dangerous, For example Young Bakugou if you get to Heated in Battle you can lose Focus

Rei: That is right you might have a Handle on your Quirk but anything can happen if you lose Focus, You can end up Killing someone by accident, Cause a Explosion that injures hundreds 

Endeavour: Shoka you have a Mix of Both Mine and Your Mothers Quirk but it is also very Dangerous

Shoka: My Fire can go out of Control and My Ice can freeze everything in its Path including People

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