Chapter 1 Birth

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???? Point of View 

It was cold, dark, silent I heard nothing I saw nothing it was like I was not alive but then I saw a pink light moving, I tried to reach out to it but when I got close it disappear

That is when I heard a voice say something 

????: I will Find you someday, When You Find Yourself 

That is all I heard, and that was the end of seeing that Pink Light, after that I opened my Eyes for the First time seeing strange Things in White Coats as they smiled looking at me as I heard a sound as The Water around my Body started to disappear as I look at One of the Strange Things walk up to me and Speak 

????: You are a remarkable specimen, That DNA of that Creature called Mew was such a good sample that we were able to clone it perfectly 

Mew, when I heard that name it felt familiar like It was a part of me as I look around as I see a Thing with Green Hair looking sad and worried as it looked at me 

As I look around I look to see myself in a Mirror, I had no Idea who I was or what I am as I look to the Thing and Speak 

????: Who am I 

????: Oh and it can speak excellent, well You are MewTwo 

MewTwo: MewTwo 

????: That Is Correct I created you to be a Weapon for us, The Most Powerful Creature to face off against our enemies 

MewTwo: I was Created 

????: Yes you were Created to be a weapon, you have no Rights since you are not Human 

MewTwo: Human? 

????: Yes Human, But that doesn't concern you but now put the Collar on 

As I see another Human come up to me and put this Collar on my Neck as it makes a sound 

????: Now lets see if this Shock Collar Works 

Shock Collar what can that me- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 

????: Good that works now if you disobey our orders we will give you a little shock to make you obey 

As These Humans put me back in the Water as they walk away expect for the one in green hair as this Human walked up to the Glass and put their hand on the Glass as she walks away 

This Human seems different from the others but I don't know why 

*Time Skip 5 years*

I have been used as a Tool for this Humans forced to destroy what They want, If I disobey I get shocked, Even with my Power I can not break the Collar around my Neck

Everytime I complete the task they wanted I get put back in my Tube to rest, That is the Only Time I Feel at ease, and when The Human Women Named Inko cames and talks to me 

She is different from the Other Humans she cares for me, I feel it when I use my Power she hates when I am used as a weapon 

She has told me many times when she talked to me while I rest that she wished I didn't have to suffer and that One day She will get me out of here 

Inko is the First Human that has ever treated me like a Human, She also gave me a Human name Izuku

It Might not be the greatest name or the best but I like it because She gave me it, Inko helped Create me but the love she has gave me over the other Humans means I will protect her over anything else 

But other Humans I hate, All they do is destroy and use others, but Inko told me that on the Mainland of Japan and other Countries there are Humans called Heroes and they save others and fight off Bad Humans like the ones that created me they call them Villains 

MewTwo IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now