chapter 25

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this will be a short chapter but this kind of will be the base chapter for the future. ok I think you are getting confused never mind you will understand when reading it. please vote and comment.  



Isabella's POV:

I can't forget what Louis said to me the night before when I was on the trip back to New York. He departed yesterday at midnight, so I was unable to even ask him what was going through his mind. Even though I had practically spent two months with them, all I knew about them was their names and mafia roles. I've always wanted a loving family, especially while I lived with my mother. Now that a little portion of that goal has been realised, I can't even accept my family because of my occupation. Being an assassin and the leader of the most powerful gang in the world was no easy task. Black Rose is the name of my assassin identity, and I am known for having no empathy. Being one of the very few women in the mafia world and the head of the Gang Blood supporters made me proud. I had gradually built up this gang. My only known characteristics are that I am a lady and an orphan. Because my life is risky, I was constantly told not to get emotional over anything.

Several years ago, I may have spared Louis from a bratva, but he actually saved me from myself and saw me through my worst hours. When I originally entered the criminal underworld, I worked for the Bratva before Louis and after that, he assisted me in starting my own gang. If he wanted me to give my family a chance, I would comply.

When the plane landed, my thoughts were jolted out of my gloom. Victor was surprised when I was the first to leave.

"Sorella, may we stop by my office? Victor asked, "I need to take some important files on the way home.

Normally, I would have declined, but because I had made the decision to be kind to them, I unexpectedly consented. Anyway, it doesn't matter since I should just sleep because I'm so tired. I put my head against the glass and shut my eyes as soon as he walks away.


victors POV:

She agreed ? she is so strange sometimes. anyways I should leave. After telling the driver to look after her I leave. my second in command had called me and said that there was a situation so I asked him to meet me at my office. surprisingly when I opened my office it was completely quiet. why the hell is there a trail of blood in my private office?

"what the hell happened?" I asked my underboss Salvestro who was holding a bleeding hand.

"shot sire" he replies after bowing his head.

"well get yourself treated why are you in my office?" I asked in anger. 

Before being my underboss he was my friend and I was feeling worried for him and at the same time crossed at his stupidity.

"sire my wound is not important. the important fact is that I was shot by a man of the gang Devil," he says extremely fast so that I can't interrupt him.

"devil? what enmity do we have with them" I ask surprised.

 "We don't sire, the gang blood disciples do and both the gangs and their leaders are in New York currently sire and if we don't do something about it, both of the gangs will turn New York into a battlefield. if they keep this up there will be war soon and that too on our territory. One of the leaders will surely declare war" he says worriedly.

I nod in understanding. what he was saying made complete sense but before doing anything I wanted to discuss it with my uncles and cousins as the cosa nostra and the la cosa nostra are almost the same. Only god knows how they will react to Isabella and how Isabella will react to their arrival. god give me strength.

"very well Salvestro but kindly treat your hand and don turn my floor so bloody," I say and glare at him.

he just smiles slightly at me.  

his impertinence! he was my friend and one of the few people who could tease me and still be alive and he took complete advantage of it.

"sire, also one more thing," he says suddenly.

what is it now? I ask impatiently. when I went back to the car I would surely meet a very vexed sister for sure.

"the gang blood disciples announced the arrival of their gang leader and the famous assassin Black Rose," he says after a moment of hesitation.

"the hell she is in Italy?" 

"yes sir"

" just.. Just get out," I say getting up and leaving. I will deal with Black Rose easily but I don't know what to do about my sorella.

I nearly got a shock when I went to my car my Sorella was actually sleeping peacefully she actually looks like an angel when asleep, exactly opposite of what when she was awake. I go and sit in the backseat with her and put a hand over her shoulder causing her to use my chest as her bed and I just chuckle. I am going soft. even though I loved all my brothers to death they were not as cute as this and certainly not this close to me.


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