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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"Owen was expelled."

Evan looked at Aiden, seeing him look at him with narrowed eyes. He just looked away from him as he headed to his locker.

"I don't care. He was quite cruel to Nigel, and he's a bully. It was only a matter of time." Evan mused, Aiden looking at him as if he was a completely different person. "Besides, he used me for my money just like the others. What happens to him after that...incident is meant to be."

"Since when did you think that?" Aiden questions him nervously.

When Evan looked at him just once, Aiden just looked away. He didn't even feel like he was talking to the Evan he once knew. It was way different...

It made him uncomfortable easily.

While Evan looked at him, he wondered where Nigel would be. Already wanting to speak to him on what he was going to do next. Unaware that Nigel was already speaking to someone else on the other side of the school.

"I'm going to win, once again."

Nigel looked, seeing another one of the three stare up at the poster. A smirk on his face as Nigel looked back at it, grinning.


Sal looked over at a person that he least expected. The person that Terrance hated, and the one who Owen liked too much. He just forced a grin on his face, looking back forward.

"Yeah...I've won 'Homecoming King' two times in a row. It's a family tradition of my families to be 'Homecoming King' three consecutive years. My dad did it here, as did his father. I have to keep that tradition alive." Sal smirks, ignoring the fact that Nigel seemed to stare in concentration at his lips. "Don't get your hopes up. No one can beat me. It's a family thing and we don't lose. It's like a-."


Sal's eyes widened, seeing Nigel grin at him and he just looked away now. He was already aware that his friends that involved themselves with him, got bad endings. Evan was just fine...but he still questioned if he was really fine.

"Yeah, it's a family blessing." Sal cleared his throat when Nigel raised his eyebrow. "I've been first for all things-."

"Were you the first to get off of suspension?"

Hearing those words, Sal couldn't help but fall still. He didn't even look at Nigel who just kept his eyes locked on his face. Now he felt uncomfortable, but he didn't want to make it obvious as he snorts.

"Yep. I was first off, then Owen, Thayne will get off soon. Evan got lucky because his dad bought his way out of a punishment." Sal snickers, ripping a name tag off of the poster. "Well...I'm gonna go. Looks like there won't be much competition so I'm already set to win."

"There's two people running, but now three." Nigel nods at Sal who held onto the tag tightly.

Nigel was already aware...of how much pride he took in this. It was something he cherished and him being number one...that seemed to be what he thrived on.

Smirking, he turned as he ripped a tag off as well.

"I guess I'll run too."

With that, he smiled at Sal who was already glaring at him.

"Are you already upset that I'm running? Look at it this way," Nigel flicked his finger between the both of them, "People can either choose between a well-known, number one, 'Homecoming King'...or, they'll be interested in something different. A deaf guy running for such a thing...?"

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