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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"Nigel isn't really coming to the party, right?"

Evan looked at Terrance like he was an idiot for asking that question.

"He's literally the only reason why I agreed to this." Evan glared at him, only to soon sigh. "You didn't need to come early either. I already asked Nigel to come early. He offered to help out."

Terrance was so confused by the quick change in things. He understood that friendships come and go, but this was different. Something felt off about the way things were progressing. Like there was someone in the background influencing his choices.

Except he knew Evan to not be a person easily influenced by things. He just had a tendency to not stick up for what's right in defense of his other friends.

"I'm...not trying to talk bad about Nigel or anything, but something is seriously off with him. He was mad at you...for bullying that one kid out of school, or being a part of it - I should say. Then the next day it's like that never happened? He just casts it aside when he was so clearly against bullies and 'people like us'? Aren't you suspicious of that at all?" Terrance pleads with him, seeing Evan continue to open the pizza boxes and set plates before them.

Rushing towards him, he shoved his shoulder some. Evan looking at him angrily and Terrance looked at him still with worry.

"I'm...trying to help you, as a friend. Maybe I have taken advantage of the fact that you're well-off and became selfish, but I do value our friendship. I value it more than money and these parties!" He exclaims surely, Evan still...not caring. "You've changed."

"I bet in your opinion, that change is bad."

"Yeah, it is." Terrance responds back sharply, shaking his head in disappointment. "And all because of-."

Terrance heard a doorbell go off, and he instantly saw Evan become ecstatic. Rushing past him, he watched as he ran towards the front door and opened it.

Only to see Nigel grinning down at him. His smile only growing when his eyes moved onto Terrance who glared at him.

"I'm surprised, I didn't think he'd be here too." Nigel smiled, walking inside as Evan stuck close beside him.

"Yeah...he showed up without my knowledge." Evan tells him, causing Nigel to look back at Terrance.

His eyes set on him kindly and Terrance wasn't buying any of it. He just moved his glare somewhere else for the time being.

"I wouldn't say that, he just forgot." Terrance says instead, seeing Evan hand Nigel some cups. When his back was to him he saw that so was Nigel's, so that meant-.

He watched as Nigel turned a bit, looking at him with a smirk. His finger tapping his ear as he purposely turned to not see what he would say. Causing Terrance to glare at him even more so, only for that look to disappear.

When Evan looked back, Nigel already had his eyes set on him.

"I don't really mind where anyone goes, to be honest. As long as they're not too fucking loud. They always act crazy when they're at my house, but they're just fine at Terrance's." Evan rolls his eyes at the very thought.

"You think it's on account of respect?" Nigel suggests, and immediately Terrance wasn't going to allow that narrative to continue.

"It's not like that," Terrance chimes in, seeing Nigel still look only at Evan until he looked at him, "It's because they feel more at ease here. Your house is any teenager's dream and being inside makes you feel like you're living the life. My house is big, but it looks like any other house. Yours is like a Hollywood movie, modern and everything."

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