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After our bath, Dominic and I hurried to get ready to meet my so called father. This would probably be the last time I will ever see him, that is if Dom doesn't kill him right in front of me.

I had decided a pair of jeans and a crop top was good enough. If I was still with my father he would never let me even own a crop top. Fortunately I got a bunch of Emily's clothes she doesn't wear anymore.

The sleeves were long since it was still winter, but I needed him to see I was independent now. I threw on a jacket as Dom entered the room.

"Are you ready?" Dominic asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back. "Are you sore?" He asked. I felt a blush cover my cheeks. I was sore. I had heard the first time was always the worst.

"I'm ok." I assured Dom. I'm sure he'd beat himself up if he found out I was in pain.

The truck is ready. He quickly signed. He hasn't done that for awhile. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm glad I can sort of understand him.

"Ok." I patted his arm to let me go. He took a deep breath before taking a step away. He's nervous. He's worried something is going to happen.

I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before heading out the door.

The ride to the clubhouse was quiet. Both of us stressed and nervous. I was afraid of what he'd say to me. One wrong move and Dom will kill him.

The clubhouse was quiet. No one was in the bar. Emily was in her room with Dorian and the other girls. They did not want to see what happens.

"I have to warn you that it is not pretty down here." Alpha said as he began to open the door. Dominic gripped my hand tightly as I peered into the dark. This is it. I was about to see the man that caused so much pain in my life.

"Melanie?" Ghost asked from the bottom of the stairs. It seems all of the boys were down there.

"I'm... I'm alright." I took a deep breath before heading down the stairs.

I was surprised to smell no blood. I'd think that a basement to a biker club would smell of torture and death. Instead it just smelled like a regular basement. Dusty and damp. Perhaps they don't keep many people here. They might have another spot.

Alpha led us down a hall to a steel door. A small window allowed little light into the room. Dominic had let go of my hand as soon as we hit the last step. He was in a different mindset. It was almost scary. His face was void of anything. It reminded me of when we first met, or when my father threatened me at the club.

Alpha opened the door to the room. A small light illuminated the center of the room where my father sat chained to the floor. Shackles locked his wrists and ankles in place. I wonder if they had been feeding him anything. His looked pale and his eyes were sunken in.

One step into the room and his eyes met mine. His eyes looked dead. His expression was null of any emotion until he met my eyes. A small smirk made its way onto his face.

"My little Melanie. Have you come to ask for forgiveness? It's too late for that, dear." He taunted. His voice was scratchy and hoarse. A clear sign he was suffering in here. "I see I left my final mark on your skin. If only you were a good daughter and supported your father like I supported you." I kept my eyes on my feet. I don't think I can do this.

A hand hit my back which caused me to jump. Dominic gave me a small nod. He was urging me to speak. To stand up to this old man.

"Is this your toy? I apologize for her incompetence. I tried hard to raise an obedient girl. Of course we see where she ended up." Why was he so cruel.

"Shut the hell up." Dominic growled out. His hand tightened on my jacket.

"My love..." I placed a hand on his arm. He calmed down slightly but didn't let go. "I- I won't let you control me anymore." I said to my father. "You ruined my life. You took the only thing I had to escape from you and made it evil." I began to raise my voice. "You ruined my body! You destroyed any chance I had of being on a stage with a company! You took the promise from my mother and abused it. You threw it in my face every time I wanted to give up!" My fathers face began to twist in anger. "But, because of you I found where I belong. I found a real gown with people who love me. They won't cut my face open because I missed a class. They won't burn my skin because I chose the man I love over a life of pain. I thank you for hurting me so much I ran from you and into the arms of a man who can take care of me." I finished with tears in my eyes. My father was furious. His jaw clenched tight with every word I spilled.

"You are just a waste of space! You were never going to become professional anyway! You are a fucking whore who chose being a slut over an actual fucking life!" He yelled. I turned around. I didn't want to hear him anymore. "I did you a favor burning that man's mark off of you. No man wants a useless bitch with a broken body." He sneered. Bad idea.

A knife was to his neck as soon as the last word left his mouth. Dominic's hand was steady as he glared at my so called father. "Your daughter is the only thing keeping me from tearing your neck apart." He growled. A drop of blood dripped down my fathers neck.

"I'm sure you love that don't you. Why don't you finish off the bitch first. She's already half way there." My father chuckled. That hurt. He was right. I've been cut and burned. I'm one foot in the grave at this point.

"You're right, I do love the sound of flesh ripping under my knife, but so does my Prez. Alpha would love a turn before I sink my knife into your heart." Dominic gave a small laugh. It was the darkest noise I've ever heard come from him.

"You deserve my daughter." My father snarled before Dominic shut him up with the butt of the knife. He slumped over unconscious as Dom stood up. He dropped his knife and turned around to face me. His breathing was heavy and sweat had begun to perspire on his forehead. I've never seen him like this.

"Dominic..." Cerberus stepped towards the tense Sargent at Arms. Dominic spared him no glance as he took three powerful steps towards me and picked me up. His nose found my neck as he started out of the room. Alpha chuckled as he watched us retreat. I did notice, however, he had a knife in his hand. I think I'd throw up if I knew what he was about to do. I'm ok with Henry dying now. He is no longer my father.

He never really was.

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