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The next day was a nightmare. Rage had woken up in pain, but refused to let me leave. Emily was having contractions, her brothers and husband were freaking out. Doc was trying to keep two people sane and from dying.

"Right, Rage, you will have to wait, Emily is in labor." Doc peeked into the room quickly before running back out. I can hear Emily screaming at everyone in the room next to us.

"You want to go out with the girls?" Rage asked me. I was sitting next to him on the bed. He hated lying still so he refused to lie down.

"I don't have to..." I trailed off. I really did. I wanted to make sure Emily was ok. Rage was still in pain so I didn't want to leave him either.

"Go." He gently pushed me off the bed. It surprised me how this big man could be so gentle. Rage was not the member I'd think would want to constantly be near any female at all, especially me.

"Ok." Before I got up Rage pulled me down to kiss him. I've learned in the last day that he was a greedy man.

When he finally let go I was out of breathe. He had a satisfied smirk. I bit my lip before getting up and leaving the room. Rage was chuckling silently as I left with a deep blush covering my cheeks.

As soon as I stepped out of the room; I saw the girls sitting on a couch huddled together. Emily's brothers were pacing by the door. The other boys were somewhere else. The tension was high.

"How's it going in there?" I asked. All the girls turned to me. They clearly were nervous.

"We don't know. No one has come out. Doc went in and that was it. She had been in labor for about an hour before doc checked her." Hannah explained. I nodded and sat down next to Josie. She looked just about as nervous as everyone else.

"Fuck this is the most stress I've ever felt!" Darius rubbed his hands down his face. They were nervous for their sister. She was still young and they had just got her back.

"I would correct you on your language, but fuck me too!" Zane sighed.

The next few hours was spent talking in the lounge. Doc had been going between rooms. Emily still hasn't dilated so we had many more hours to wait.

The twins went inside the room to talk to Emily and bring her a water. The girls didn't have a chance to go in. I eventually got up and headed back inside Rage's room. He was messing with something on his phone. When he noticed me come in he put it down.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Not dilated so she has awhile." I said. Rage didn't say anything else. He just pulled me down on the bed next to him.

We were silent for a little bit. Only noise was Alpha talking to Emily in the next room. I wasn't sure what to talk about. Or what I was willing to talk about. It was shocking how much pain I felt when I found out Rage was shot. With everything else going on, my mind was just in Rage.

"Babygirl?" Rage asked indicating he wanted to know if I was ok. A blush formed on my cheeks from the pet name he hasn't used since the clubhouse.

"I'm just thinking about my father." I sighed.

"Don't." He practically demanded. He placed a hand under my chin making sure I made direct eye contact with him. "I will take care of it." He growled. He was really angry over the situation. He had the Red Skulls to worry about and my messed up father. He's had enough things to worry about and now I was thrown into the mess.

"You already have a lot to worry about, and now your in pain and wounded badly." I said. Rage shook his head and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't feel any pain." He grumbled. He was lying to me. He may be strong, but he was still human.

"Rage, please don't lie to me." I pleaded. An odd emotion flashed across his face. Like he was confused.

"I don't like that." Rage huffed. Now I was confused. What was he on about.

"What do you mean? Don't like what?" I asked.

"You calling me Rage." He said. Rage ran a gently hand through my hair causing a comfortable feeling to run through my body.

"What else am I supposed to call you?" I said as I began closing my eyes. Rage was really warm. And his gentle but rough hands running through my scalp didn't help either.

"Dominic." He whispered. It was quiet. Like he only wanted me to hear it, which he probably did.

"Dominic?" I asked surprised. "Is that..." I waited for his answer. Did he just tell me his name?

"Yes, that's my name, Babygirl." He chuckled. "Only for you to know." He smiled softly. I have not seen Rage, or Dominic smile like that for awhile, it was nice.

"Dominic." I tried it out. It felt good on my tongue. He thought so too. His hand gripped my hair a little tighter when I said it. "I like it." I smiled.

"You can't call me that in the club." Dominic warned me. I nodded understanding. We weren't allowed to call any of the boys by their real names.

Suddenly I remembered something. "Oh, Vanessa taught me a little sign language." Vanessa had said she learned it when she was little, now that I know her story, I know why.

"Really?" Dominic let out a soft chuckle. I nodded. I sat up a little bit to show him.

I hope Emily has a girl and I like your tattoos. I signed. It took me a little bit because I was still learning. Dominic seemed impressed though.

"You did good." Dominic grabbed my right hand and kissed my palm.

"Hannah said sometimes you don't like to talk so I thought I could learn sign language." I hope I wasn't overstepping. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"She's right." Dom said, "But I don't mind talking with you." He laid me back down so he could mess with my hair again.

I closed my eyes, relaxing into his touch. Each time his fingers ran over my scalp I fell deeper into sleep. Just before I fell asleep, Dominic placed a gentle kiss over my lips. He scooted closer to me and I finally fell asleep.

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