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Fun fact: this book was supposed to be called "Uncovered Rage" but I forgot to call it that when I posted it. 😭


Too many people. There is way too many people here. If it wasn't Rogue's birthday I wouldn't even be here. I don't even hang around this many people at the club.

"Got some admirers, Rage." Cerberus said from next to me. He was gesturing towards the group of biker bunnies by the pool. We were sitting at the bar. Swimming was more of the girls thing.

"Go ahead." I said. Biker bunnies cause problems. They think they can become a mate because they've been in your bed once.

"It's a party, Rage." Darius rolled his eyes. I sent him a glare immediately shutting him up.

"None of those girls want to actually get near Rage. No offense, dude, but they are afraid of you." Ghost patted my shoulder. I was well aware of how people felt about me.

"Rage doesn't even want there attention. His is on Little Rina over there." Cowboy chuckled from behind the bar. Why was his annoying ass everywhere.

"Rina?" Zane asked.

"Well she is a ballerina." Cowboy said in a duh tone.

"Why did Alpha patch you in." Zane sighed.

"I'm the only one here who can make a decent drink." Cowboy defended himself before walking away. I hope he makes Alpha a bad drink so I can beat his ass.

"Goddamn he needs to shut up." Carbon said as he sat on a stool. Who knows what he was doing before.

"Where is Alpha?" Rogue asked as he picked up his drink.

"Where do you think?" Darius pointed towards the opposite side of the pool. The mates, Josie and Mel were sitting over there. Alpha was standing next to Emily's chair while she rambled on about something he most definitely did not care about, but he will actively contribute to their conversation.

"Mel's looking fine in that suit. Must be the dancer body." Bruiser walked over from his spot next to the bunnies.

"You aren't going to touch her." I said. Bruiser raised a brow at my sudden outburst. I was a little surprised as well. As annoying as he was, he was my VP.

"Is she claimed?" Bruiser asked. I had to take a deep breath in to refrain from saying anything unnecessary.

No. I signed.

Before Bruiser could open his mouth again, Hannah interrupted him. She had gotten on the porch and shouted over everyone.

"Here we go." Rogue sighed.

"I have something to say!" Hannah said. Everyone's attention was on her. "We all are here to celebrate my mate's twenty-ninth birthday. Rogue, please." Hannah gestured for him to join her

"Good luck." Zane chuckled as we watched Rogue reluctantly walk up to Hannah.

Hannah whispered something to him and placed something in his hand. I couldn't see what it was but Rogue was pretty excited about it.

"Fuck yes!" Rogue left a kiss on Hannah's mouth.

"What is it?" Josie asked the now excited couple.

"I'm pregnant!" Hannah smiled.

"Really!" Vanessa stood up.

"Yes! I found out last week!" Hannah showed the, I assume, pregnancy test to the girls. It's becoming a trend.

I let my eyes drift to Melanie. Her brown eyes already looking at me. It always felt like a punch to the gut when she looked at me. One that made me feel all the weird feelings the guys with mates feel. But that wasn't for me.

Fuck if I fell too far down this rabbit hole I might hurt her. The same way Alpha is afraid of doing. He's more nervous about hurting his unborn child now than he has anything else.

"Well let's celebrate!" Darius picked up a bottle of whiskey from behind the bar and raised it up. Everyone was quick to agree. Drinking was a favorite pastime in the club.

"How ya doing, Rage?" Alpha asked as he joined me at the bar. He knew what I was feeling more than anyone else. He had felt the same.

Fine. I signed.

"I see you watching her." He said. He was talking low which I appreciated. I don't need all these fuckers knowing my business.

"Everyone is looking at her." I grumbled.

"You're the only one she's looking at." Alpha pointed out.

I looked towards the group girls. Her attention was on Emily right now, but as if she felt my gaze, she turned to me. Again a punch to the gut it thrown at me. She gave me a small smile before turning away.

"Well that was cute." Ghost joked from next to Alpha.

"Shut the fuck up." I growled.

"Don't lead her on, Emily is too attached to her. Hurt her and I'll slice you up." Alpha said before getting up and going towards the girls. I knew his threat was real. He would stab me if I hurt any of Emily's friends.

I glanced over at the girls again and almost choked. They had stripped from their outer clothes and were ready to go swimming. Mel was wearing a green two-piece. Pretty sure it was Emily's, but she looked fucking gorgeous. She definitely had that dancers body. Her perfectly toned legs made not so innocent thoughts flood my brain. I wanted her to be mine, but she might not want that.

"Got a problem, Rage?" Ghost teased.

"Yeah, you." I snapped.

"Damn, why don't you just say something or do something before someone else does. If Alpha can find a lady, so can you." Ghost said.

I gave him a glare. "I'll do something about it when her father is gone." I said. In truth, I didn't want her to worry about her father coming to find her, and a pursuing biker.

"Well good luck with that one." Ghost sighed. He turned to talk with Carbon and left me to my thoughts. Once I would unfortunately be lost of for awhile.

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