Chapter 16: Rumors

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Abbi's POV

I arrived at the entrance of the office and contemplated going in, after all, I was already really late. I was about to go back home when I noticed some people leaving the building with their bags and a box. These were not just ordinary employees. All of them held very important positions in the company.

Most of the people I saw belonged to the fashion department and had something to do with the clothing store. I didn't realize I was already in the building until I heard my name from a familiar voice. I looked around and spotted Lisa walking towards me.

"There you are. I was so worried. Are you just coming to work?" She questioned, concerned after seeing me with my bag.

"I'm fine. What's going on here? Why are they leaving?" I asked her ignoring her question.

"Weren't you here yesterday afternoon?" I shake my head in response.

"Then you missed a lot. Ben was arrested" she said.

"Just before he was arrested, he angrily punched the boss twice in his face."

Before I could fully process what she said earlier, she dropped another shocking one. I was in awe the whole time. Eric didn't say anything about being hit. It's my fault for not noticing. I was too caught up with myself.

"It all happened over there." She said pointing to a spot about eight feet ahead of me.

"The police had said he was under arrest for human trafficking." I gasped at what I just heard.

"But rumor has it that that wasn't the only thing he was taken for. They say he was also arrested for sexual harassment and rape of previous employees as well as fraud and embezzlement of company and project funds. I think after that, some more investigations were carried out within the company and I guess all these people were also doing things like that so they were fired." She said looking at those people with disgust evident on her face.

I couldn't fully take in all that I heard. Everything seemed to have happened fast. I came out of my thoughts when I felt my hands in Lisa's.

"I'm so sorry Abbi. I shouldn't have left you alone with him." I furrowed my face in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Ben had asked me not to eat lunch with you guys. He said he...he was in love with you and wanted to confess during lunch." She said, guilt written on her face.

"I swear If I had known he was such a person, I would have never allowed him to get close to me, let alone leave you two together. I was so worried yesterday and tried calling you but your phone was switched off and I didn't know your address. I thought he did something to you."

I was in total disbelief. I didn't know what to think anymore. The events of yesterday were flashing in my head. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I reminded myself of the little talk I had with myself. I am strong. Nothing bad happened to me, that's all that matters.

"It's alright Lisa. I have to go to my office now." I said and left before she could say something else.

Lisa has been my friend for a while now and I know she wouldn't knowingly set me up.

She lost all her friends here for talking with me. She is the only one who stands up for me when others try to mistreat me. She is a lovely person.

I was waiting for the elevator when a male employee stood beside me. I know not all men are like Ben but I was still frightened even if I didn't want to admit it. It took everything within me to enter the elevator when it arrived. I was going to press every floor button in case something was to happen but when he pressed his floor button, relief washed over me. He was just going to the first floor. He won't try anything with me. I reassured myself.

I got into my office and paused right at his door. I don't know what to say to him. It seems he found out about yesterday, and since I didn't tell him myself, I don't know if he's mad at me.

I was about to open the door when it was opened from inside and Eric came out.

"What are you doing here my love? You should be resting at home." I didn't know what to say to him so I just hugged him. We were in each other's embrace for a while before I spoke.

"How did you find out?" I asked as I've been thinking about it for a while.

"I checked the CCTV." Immediately he said that I pulled away from him.

"They work?" I was surprised because most people probably think it doesn't work. I had even forgotten that we had an entire control room as well as a security team in this company.

"So why did no one do anything when the elevator suddenly stopped? And why did no one in the control room do anything to help when they were seeing what was happening?" I asked, angry and confused.

"That's because they were all overlooking it because it was Ben. I believe they were bribed by him. This is not the first time this has happened. I found out it has happened lots of times. Hopefully, this will be the last time. I had all those involved in this incident as well as other shady acts fired."

"I love you, Eric."

"I love you too, " he said while we were back in each other's embrace.


There is a lot of work to do considering the fact that about 70 people have been fired, and some other employees have to do twice the work they usually do.

We spent the rest of office hours doing some work and shortlisting candidates to fill in some of the executive positions that were now left vacant.

"What about the lady that we mistook Ms Smith here for?" Mrs. Naomi asked Eric.

" matter what her qualification is, she has to go through the normal procedure. She'll have to intern in that field before we can consider her." Eric said, browsing through other candidates' files.

"Okay. We'll send an email to her, Eric." Mrs. Naomi said.

"Jack, go send an offer to Ms. Abygale. I don't remember her last name so confirm with the recruitment manager before sending the email." She said to her secretary.

"For some reason, I was unsettled. Maybe it's because of the lady's name. I didn't know that that name was common.

I just hope she's not as horrible as Willows.

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