Chapter 7: The Truth

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Eric's POV

I took a closer look at the picture only to see that the person in the picture was just a carbon copy of Abigail, well except for the stature, and eye, everything else was the same.

I was confused, I recognized the woman in this picture as my aunt, and my mum's best friend who was late. It's no wonder why I felt that I had seen Abigail previously.

But how is this possible? I was still trying to figure out what was going on when I heard my parents walk in.

"Mom, Dad, what's this? Why does Abigail look exactly like my aunt? What in the world is going on?" I asked them before they could even say anything.

"Eric! What are you doing here?" Mum asked, surprised to see me.

"Mum, I came to see Dad, but that doesn't matter. Why does Abigail look like aunt?" I asked again, looking from my mum to my dad waiting for an answer.

"Eric, first take a seat, I'll explain it to you," Mom said while moving over to the sofa beside me, my dad followed suit.

"We were going to tell you my boy, but we didn't know how to." She sighed

"Abigail is your aunt Laura's daughter," Mum said, widening my eyes in disbelief.

"How is that possible? You told me that she disappeared with her dad, and you couldn't find her," I said, confused.

"Yes, my son. I know what I said, and I didn't lie to you. She did go missing with her dad, but your father and I have been searching for her." she sat back leaning on the couch before continuing.

"Three weeks ago I saw her coming out of the office building when I went to see your aunt Naomi. She had a face I could never forget. I was also confused that she looked so much like your aunt, so I followed her to her house and had her investigated."

"I confirmed that she was Laura's daughter when the result got back to me. I was so happy that I had finally found her. I was never really at peace knowing that she was with that pathetic excuse of a man," her voice held hate towards the man I assume is Abbi's dad.

"The only way I could think of getting her away from that insane man was to get her married to you since I couldn't adopt her without him knowing it was me.

So I sent Grandpa Theo to him with some money and a contract stating that he would have nothing to do with her once he signed it. I figured out that if I or your dad went, he wouldn't have allowed us to take her but instead use her to extort money from us."

"Just as I thought Grandpa Theo said once he saw the money, he signed the contract without reading it. That's why we made you marry her Eric."

"My son, please, you have to take good care of her, don't make her sad. She deserves happiness." my mom finished speaking, almost on the verge of tears.

After learning more about what my mum found out about Abbi (as I now decided to call her since she is Aunt Laura's child) I left without doing what I mainly came to do.

Aside from my mum, Aunt Laura was my favorite person. She would spoil me with gifts whenever she came to visit my parents and also play with me.

I remembered crying my eyes out when Mum told me that she was dead and that Abbi had gone missing.

I was just five years old when she was born but anytime I saw her, I was always happy. I would stay around her whenever I got the chance and even watch her sleep sometimes.

"We're here sir" Daniel, the driver said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I couldn't wait to see her. I got out of the car and rushed into the house like a kid rushing to meet his mom after school.

When I got into the house, I saw Abbi in the kitchen washing the dishes. I rushed to her, turned her body towards me, hugging her.


I went to the kitchen to wash my plate after having dinner when I felt myself wrapped around a body. My body tensed up but immediately relaxed when I realized it was Eric. He really smelled nice.

I was confused as to why he was hugging me; this was actually the first time we had this close body contact...well...except for the time I mistook him for a wall.

"Er-E-Eric. Ar-Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm more than okay fact, I'm beyond okay," he said in a low voice, almost like a whisper before pulling me out of his embrace. And...d-did he just call me Abbi?

"Come with me, I have something to tell you." He said, leading me to the sitting room with one of my hands in his. I was confused as to what was going on.

"Do you know anything about your mother?" he asked, looking at me intently as we sat.

"Not really. The only thing I know is her name and that I look like her," I said, letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry for all you went through Abbi, but that's all in the past. Now you're with me and I promise I won't make you suffer". He cupped my face in his hands, making me stunned.

Where was all this coming from? Did he perhaps hit his head on his way here?... Why did he even suddenly ask about my mum?

"Well...I don't really know how you'll feel after hearing what I want to say, but I just want you to listen to me, okay?" He said and I confusingly nodded my head in response before he continued.


"S-so you''re try-trying to-to say that both of my parents are late, which means t-th-the p-person who I grew up not my dad... me-mean-meaning Andras isn't m-my biological dad?" I stuttered through my words, trying to take in all I had just heard. He nodded his head in confirmation.

"Yes. Abbi, I know this is a lot to take in but I'm here for you, and my family is also here for you. You are now part of us, and I'll take care of you. I promise. I'll never let you suffer any injustice again," He said, holding my hands.

I was having mixed feelings at the moment. I was sad, angry, and hateful towards the man I had known to be my dad my entire life. But I was relieved that he wasn't my dad after all because I hated him.

"I hate him so much," I cried in Eric's embrace.

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