Chapter 6: I'm Married

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Eric's POV

" you're The Eric Jones?" I nodded my head to answer her

"And there isn't another Eric Jones, right?" she asked with nervousness and embarrassment written all over her face.

" least not any that I know of" I replied to her as she nodded her head looking anywhere but my face.


"This is it! I'm the most stupid girl on earth. How could I have missed that? I even told him to his face that he might be relatives with himself. Ahhh" I groaned and facepalmed in frustration.

He's going to fire me" I cried, banging my head on the wall remembering how I told him I only chose this career path because of money.

I was still wallowing in embarrassment and fear when the ringing phone brought me back to reality. I quickly picked up the phone, but before I could speak, he asked me to come to his office.


"Come to my office," I told her through the phone. I don't know why but I felt like seeing her again when it hadn't even been up to an hour since I last saw her.

I acted like I was doing some work on my laptop when she got in, wondering why I called her in when I didn't even know what to say to her. I slowly lifted my eyes from the screen and saw that she was worried.

"Aunt Ella will come in tomorrow to properly hand over to you so you know everything that you should do," her face relaxed after I finished speaking making me wonder what made her worried in the first place.


"Er...sir! These are for you". She said, handing a bunch of envelopes to me during lunchtime.

"You know, you can just call me by my name. I don't have a problem with that," I said to her before she left.

I opened the first letter only for me to trash It after reading the first sentence. I did the same for the others.

These people don't have any shame writing these kind of things to me. I received these kinds of letters the first week I started working here. I was utterly disgusted by one of the letters. I guess too much freedom was given to everyone to make them write love letters to their boss.

Since it was time for lunch, I decided to handle this issue. I called Abigail to come with me into the broadcasting room that was on the third floor and requested the speakers to be turned on so that everyone from the three buildings could hear me.

"Good day to you all. I have an announcement to make, and this is To Whom It May Concern. I appreciate the love and respect you all show to me, but there is something that needs to stop." I started once the speakers were turned on.

"Now I don't know why some of you would take it upon yourselves to write me love letters. You all know yourselves and what disgusting and shameful things you've been writing." I cringed remembering a particular letter I read. Most of the letters were not even love letters. They were just letters telling me how much they wanted to be in my bed.

" I don't know what gave any of you the idea that I'm in love with you or would eventually love you, but I'm saying this right now so that you all stop those disgusting fantasies you have."

"I never wanted to bother myself with all this, but it seems to be getting out of hand. You all are here to work, not to make some silly advances at me. And just so you know, I am a married man, and I'm not interested in taking a second wife. My wife is right..."

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

I turned, hearing Abigail furiously cough before I could finish my words.

"That's all," I said, looking at her questionably before the speaker was turned off.


I was busy admiring my husband as he spoke. I hadn't seen him this serious before. I was still admiring him when I heard him say a love letter. I don't know why but my heart became heavy.

"So, all those bunch of letters were from ladies that work here?" I mumbled under my breath cursing whoever it was that wrote those letters. I mean how dare they do their boss? husband?

I was still cursing them in my mind when I heard him about to introduce me as his wife. I immediately faked a cough before he could continue.

I just started my work here and I already receive so much hate from most of the ladies here just because of how I dress. I wonder what will become of me if they actually know that his wife is the ugly, unfashionable, old-looking girl they all detest.

I released a sigh of relief when he ended his talk. He gave me a questionable look when we came out of the room.

"Why did you do that?" He asked me with his brows furrowed.

"Do what?" I said looking everywhere but his face.

"Why didn't you let me tell them you are my wife?" He asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Umm...I- I'm sorry Eric, but I don't want anyone to know. I just want to be able to work peacefully here without any attention whatsoever." I said hoping he would understand me.


"I have to go see my dad now. Would you like to come with me or rather go home?" he asked me, while I was getting ready to clock out.

"Now why would I want to go see your father?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Did you say something?"

"No...I'll just go home" I said, answering his previous question.

"Okay then, I'll take you home first before going to my dad's."


"Dad! Mom! I'm home." I called, walking through the hallway to my parent's room. I knocked on the door when I reached, but there was no response, so I opened it and went in.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out again, but still no response. They must have gone out for their evening walk.

I went to the kitchen and helped myself with some Pringles and drinks then I went back to the sitting room.

While I was keeping myself busy with the snack and TV, I noticed a photo album below the table. I decided to go through it for some memories.

I opened the album and the first picture there was that of my parents. They look so different; they look like half of their original selves in the photo. I smiled and went to the next page. I was still examining the pictures carefully trying to see who I could remember when a picture caught my attention.

"What?" I looked at the picture in disbelief and confusion. 

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