Chapter 58 - Therapy Session With The Bad Guy (Edited)

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There is a change of POV in this chapter


My body is frozen from shock - and the weird device that held me bound hands and feet. I couldn't think properly  as so many thoughts swirled around my head.

As if on cue, the moment I push myself backward he also moves away. My face is decorated with fear and a thumping heartbeat while his is void of any emotion except a faint smile that appears on his lips seconds after.

"I just wish I had what you guys had" he says in a soft tone and turns around to sit on the bed and backing me.

"What?" I asked in a voice that came out a bit strained as I laid down facing up with hands uncomfortable as they were still behind my back.

"I did have it, kinda... but I lost it" He says more to himself than me.

"No, I mean what was that for? Why did you kiss me if you know there's a thing between Daniel and I?" I asked.

"I've kinda always wanted to kiss you since the first day I saw you. No feelings attached" He replied like we were having a normal conversation.

"But I'm tied right now and I could sue you for sexual assault, you know that?" I ask squirming around so I could face him. Well his back so to say.

This time he turns around to face me.

"And you would be my lawyer" He replies with a more evident smile.

I chuckle at his response and roll my eyes at him which causes him to laughter a little.

Blake doesn't seem like a bad person, yet. I mean from our little conversation we're having right now, I've noticed that he has this wall around himself that gives off the 'bad guy' vibes but actually he's not. I'm not sure why he acts that way or why I used to have a crush on him - I mean he got the looks and the charm that could get any girl or guy but right now, I know my heart belongs to someone else and that made me smile.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Uh- Nothing" I hastily replied.

He smirked like he knew the answer already but he doesn't make any effort to push the matter further.

"Why am I being held hostage? What did I do?" I asked.

The smirk on his face vanished immediately and it was replaced by anger. For a brief second fear gripped me and I was expecting him to actually finish the job he started this time around but instead, he turns around and sits on the ground and throws his head back so it's resting on the bed.

His eyes are closed like he's having a migraine as silence fills the room.

"He made me do it" Blake says after a while and I thought I might have imagined it after he doesn't say anything else as his eyes are still closed.

"Who?" I ask as softly as I could to put him at ease. I had a feeling this was a touchy topic so I better tread with caution.

"My dad" He replied in a strained voice.

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