Chapter 21 - "Am I That Irresistible?" (Edited)

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Right now I am having what seems to be a sprinting session with Daniel who had earlier challenged me to catch him while running and I did not like loosing to him, not to anyone at all and that's how I started this marathon with one of the most athletic guys I know in school.

I was beginning to question my abilities as he was still 10 feet away from me, no matter how hard I ran he still managed to stay ahead of me and now my heart was beginning to tell me if I don't stop it will.

My screaming and his laughter echoed inside the house as he kept on laughing at my remarks of how I would definitely kill him for making me do this as we ran.

We got looks from the helps around and we definitely looked like two teenagers who have completely lost it at this point.

He used the house to his advantage as he had lived here almost all his life because he knew when to take a turn into several areas in the house and for some reason each room in the house including the hallway had to be five times bigger than normal.

I was beginning to slow down after what seemed like 5 minutes of running.

"Why slowing down? giving up already?" He remarked ironically witch a smirk as he tuned to look at me still a few distance away from me.

"Not at all, rookie" I replied as he ran into a room with long emerald colored doors about 7 feet high with gold outlining.

We were on the third floor and I noticed the door Daniel had ran in through, it looked different from other ones and even more expensive at that.

My curiosity made me run faster and I ran through the doors not really paying attention to my surroundings and that's how my whole body weight sent me crashing to the floor.

I laid there for a while with my eyes closed, tho I couldn't catch up to Daniel it did not matter now as I had fought a good fight of strength and faith, now my body was recovering from that fight. I was beginning to wonder if Daniel had seen me fall, and why wasn't he laughing because I knew the way I fell was really funny but I didn't have the strength to even chuckle.

Ok one more question, Why is the ground rising and falling? And having a heartbeat? My eyes quickly shut open as I realized who I was lying on.

'Shit shit shit shit' I thought to myself as i turned and looked up to see Daniel beneath me with a smile on his face.

I was lying on Daniel's body and I had suddenly become paralyzed to move or speak as i had found myself in an awkward position with him.

I stared at the face of a god right in front of me as I made eye contact with those captivating grey eyes of his and my eyes trailed down to his lips which were mere inches apart from mine, my heart beat fastened as the situation I found myself in became even ore awkward.

"Am I that irresistible?" He threw my earlier question back at me with a smirk and with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"Uh- i- um-" I began to speak but couldn't form a single sentence and my chagrin was increasing each second.

He chuckled even more as he knew the situation he had put me in which made his body to tremble.

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