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Olivia couldn't believe that the main reason behind the Waynes holding an event and gathering all their family and friends was to make up for her not being able to attend prom. She thought it was unnecessary on their part to spend such a lot of time and effort on her but the gesture surely was quite moving.

"So this was your and Steph's idea?" She asked Tim as he had led her to the ballroom and had just gotten free from introducing her to everyone who hadn't yet met the honorary addition to the family.

"Initially yes but then everyone got on board," he remarked, "by the way, you can see how much we make up altogether when I say everyone..."

"Oh yeah, lovely family but way too big," she replied, waving to Steph who was keeping Nico away from a rather curious Jason, "how do you even remember all the names?"

"Well, here you forgot how much of a dysfunctional lot we are. Each one of us has a certain trait attached to them which makes it easier to remember," he saw that she didn't get his point so he explained, "for example, there's me. Tim. But mostly everyone here knows me as that coffeeholic nerd."

She laughed, "so like they remember you as Tim Coffee Nerd Drake?"

"Precisely. Then there's Jason Drama Queen Todd. Dick Show-Off Grayson, oh but Dick has a lot of other middle names that I will tell you later or he will throw me out of the ballroom. Then there's Steph Chatterbox Brown, Damian Blood Son Wayne, Cassandra Badass Cain, Duke Cinnamon Roll Thomas, Barbara Know-It-All Gordon, Alfred Blessing Pennyworth, and the list could go on for ages."

"I was asking about how you remember their first names and turns out you all have these middle names to remember first names... Hella confusing."

"You'll get used to it," he added with a light smile. 

She had gotten used to a lot of their family drama, it wouldn't take a lot of time for her to get familiar with the rest of the people that she hadn't met before. 

"Keep in mind, I want to know all of Dick's other middle names."

"Sure sure," he chuckled, "you might have heard a few already."

Soft music had started to play and some couples had taken to the dance floor in the center. Tim considered asking her out to dance but then saw her looking around at the decorations in wonder.

"Need a tour guide?" He asked instead, holding his hand out to her.

She took it because whenever he held his hand out, that was exactly what she did without even pausing to think. He briefly told her about all the decorations they had managed to procure for the ballroom, making it look no less than a high-scale event.

"How could you guys manage all this in such a short time? Like it's been, what, two days?"

"One and a half to be exact, the remaining half was spent in sorting out the team," he replied, "but to answer your question, it could still have been managed in a lesser time. You just need the right people and the right amount."

She chuckled, "oh, of course, it's all about that money."

Tim laughed as well and despite himself, he was drawing a clear contrast between the prom he had attended with the rest of the high school and that event they were hosting currently.

Her presence made all the difference.

"Hey, why are you guys not dancing?" Steph asked them as she spun her way around the two.

"Do we have to?" Olivia asked, feeling Tim's fingers lace through hers gently.

"You should, it will be fun."

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