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Olivia had been acting strange ever since she had woken up but she hadn't done anything to hurt them. They couldn't keep her in the cave for long so she was brought to the Manor and was persuaded to go for a brain scan to find out the cause of her headaches.

When the results came in, they found the memory chips were there in her brain, which according to Tim was proof that she wasn't a clone. A clone wouldn't need memory chips, unlike the real Olivia who had been functioning with those chips ever since she had been very young.

But even with that proof, Tim and Bruce were somewhat suspicious of her and keeping her under watch.

The fact that Gemma's whereabouts had still not been discovered and those killings had mysteriously come to a halt also made everything confusing.

There was still something that they were unable to see.

Steph was the one who now spent most of her time with Olivia and as the days passed, Tim too had started to join them. He would still keep a safe distance between himself and Olivia, not letting her hold his hand or hug him anymore.

He had a very strange feeling that he shouldn't let her come close to him or else he would regret the outcome.

For some reason, she just didn't seem like Olivia to him. Even though she was no longer emotionless as she had been the day she had woken up and was quite normal with Steph, it still unnerved him.

His instincts had hardly ever been wrong so he couldn't just push aside those instinctive warnings of being cautious of Olivia. 

"So prom is coming up," Steph spoke up as she brought their drinks and took a seat, "are you guys going together?"

Tim shrugged, turning to look at Olivia who raised an eyebrow skeptically. 

"If you don't ask me out, I will go with someone else," she replied, a playful spark evident in her eyes.

"I... I was going to ask you out."


"If Steph hadn't spoiled it now, I would have by evening," he remarked.

"Okay, I will wait till evening nevertheless," she teased and after a long time, Tim felt as if that behavior was close to Olivia's. 

Those teasing remarks and mischievous habits of hers were what made her stand apart from the rest. Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding and he was being paranoid.

He had himself said that if she had those memory chips installed, it would prove that she wasn't a clone. Then why was he still treating her indifferently when it had been proved that she was the real Olivia?

"I really wish you and Nico were in high school too," Olivia remarked, "that way I wouldn't have to spend the whole time with boring Timmy here."

"Hey! I am not boring."

Steph laughed, "proms aside, I am glad I am not in high school and Nico would have the same idea. High school is insufferable, I was so surprised when I found out of all the things you could have asked from Bruce, you asked to go to high school."

"Whatever, the bad part right now is that I will have to bear prom without Steph," Olivia remarked, mixing her ice cream shake, "no offense, Tim, but you sometimes act really awkward around me. I am not sure if you will be awkward at prom too and bore me to death."

"I am not awkward," he replied, "I have just been a bit tired these days."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," he replied, "I'll get some sleep before prom so that I am not as much of a boring company as you just mentioned."

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