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At last, the day came for Bruce to go back to his family. 

Stephanie and Tim had come to Olivia's concealed biodome to take him back and unlike the last time, she didn't blow up a landmine in their faces. Instead, she let them in without any issue and then disappeared.

Bruce had felt that Olivia was getting sad at the prospect of him leaving and wanted to remind her that even if he was returning to his family, that did not mean she wasn't allowed to meet up with them all again. In those few days he had stayed there, he had started to consider Olivia as one of his own dysfunctional little kids and she was no different to him than Steph or the others.

"Where did she go off to?" Steph asked because she had been quite enthusiastic about meeting Olivia yet the girl was nowhere to be seen.

"I will check," Tim offered.

"Be careful," Bruce warned nevertheless, knowing there were a lot of mechanisms in that biodome that could be used against anyone who tried to intrude.

The reason Tim had offered to look for Olivia was not that Steph wanted to meet her but the real reason was that he had to ask a few things from her in private. Granted, she might not remember much of their time years ago, but he wanted to make sure whether his memories of him being taken to a secret base had been correct or not.

He carefully looked around the lab as well as the tiny living space she had but then caught sight of her outside, in the little orchard where she grew fruits and vegetables.

A glass door separated the interior atmosphere from the exterior and he paused, looking around at how to get it open. Finding a lever and making sure that it wasn't set with some hidden security system that could electrocute him, he cautiously pulled back the glass pane and stepped out as well.

She was sitting on the steps that led outside, her knees hugged close to herself and her head resting on top. For a second, it felt as if she had been very sad about something.

"Hey," he called out softly to get her attention, "mind if I join you?"

She didn't reply but didn't object either as he sat down beside her, looking at her closely to figure out what was wrong. Deep down, he too had a fair idea that she was sad that her only company was going to leave.

"Olivia, I had to talk to you about something," he tried to start the conversation but paused, feeling as if it was not the right time to ask her. "But it can wait... Uh... Is everything okay?"

Hearing that from him made her tilt her head slightly took look at him, "of course, just celebrating that in no time, you all will be gone together. I missed having my much-needed calm."

Those words were half-spirited, clearly showing that she hadn't meant it.

"Well, it surely doesn't look like a celebration."

"It is for me, what's the matter with you, Tim? Why are you here?" She snapped, lips pursing into a frown.

"You're not gonna come and say goodbye to Bruce?"


"But he wanted to talk to you."

"I don't want to," she had turned her head away, "leave already."

"He might have wanted to talk to you about that compensation for letting him stay here," he tried one more time and it seemed to work as she straightened.

"Okay fine. Get out, I'll be there in a while."

He stood up and was about to leave but paused again. He might have said a million times that he hated her but seeing her sad was slightly bothering him.

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