Bonus 1 | The Twerp

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"Hey, there!" Fab yelled from across the ground.

"Haha, you're late by 2 minutes,"

Since Ann moved with her parents to another city, I made it a habit to come early to school and sat under that very tree where we'd our first conversation.

Fabiana who was proving to be a good friend, came in to keep me company. Eventually, we started competing to see who came early and I always won.

"Oh, how happy I was to not see your Pick up and thought I was early for once!"

"It had a puncture, so took a taxi."

"God knows how on earth are you always this early," She sat beside me. "What's it today?" She asked.

"Not telling until I finish," Yeah, I scribbled on my sketchbook every morning.

"Classic Hanna,"

"Why do you ask if you know," I laughed. She did too, then got serious.

"I heard he pestered you again?"

"Not something I'd love to talk about, but hey, what's the news? Has he ever stopped?" I sighed.

"You heard from Nancy?"

"She was on cloud nine that he'd asked her to sleep with him, it's obvious she's gonna make sure that everyone knows she actually did." I started collecting my things. "Let's go, class starts soon,"

We went to our lockers, collected our books and headed for our class. The day was pretty normal, including the Nancy part.

It was like this every day, except that there'd be a different girl talking about how 'great' the night was with the same guy. Don't they see he's using them?

We were heading to our last class for the day which was mathematics and boy, did I hate it!

"He's coming, Han." Fab nudged me.

"Hey, sweetheart." He looked at me from head to toe.


"Not yours," I rolled my eyes.

"Will soon be,"

"Keep talkin'." I smirked.

"I don't understand. Why don't you give in? See how happy Nancy is, though it was only a one night stand," He said like he was proud of it.

"Well, some bring happiness wherever they go and some, whenever they go, so will you please?" I scoffed.


"Oh c'mon, you're not good enough to be that stupid now, are you?"

"You're to regret being a b*tch!" He was furious.

"What'd you say?" Fab came forward, I held her back.

"Chill girl, when the likes of him call you a b*tch then know that you terrify them. He means that you're intimidating," I mocked.

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