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Finallyyyy! I can't believe we're here!

Huge thanks to everyone who stuck around until the end. I appreciate every single one of you! 

Your support makes me want to keep writing. Love you all! stay safe and healthy!


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One week later

Lillian stood next to Elle, watching the twins play with little Leena.

The child who'd been in a silver cage only a week ago was running after the two wolf pups, light on her little feet. Ezra spun around, the little girl squealed and reversed her course, running away from him, a big smile on her face.

The boy they'd rescued with her sat against a tree, his dark eyes sparkling in the shade. He scowled at the world, his hands picking at the grass beside him.

They'd come straight to the pack after taking care of that mess. Lillian realized they'd been in Haida Gwaii, an archipelago off British Columbia's west coast. She'd slept the entire trip to the pack, feeling safe with Noah to watch over them.

"Did he try to escape again?" Lillian whispered, leaning close to Elle.

The fae smiled. "Nope. I think he finally realized we're not going to put him through whatever Blazius had."

Lillian glanced at the boy. After coming to the pack, he and Leena stayed with Elle, Irene, Charles and the Seer in Elle's cabin. Eva had come down here to check on them regularly.

The boy had tried escaping their first night here. One of the patrol wolves found him carrying Leena and trying to make it out of the pack. Except he'd been heading right to the pack village. Elle was notified, and no matter how much she questioned him about the reason for escaping, he didn't answer. He hadn't uttered a word. If not for the twins confirming otherwise, Lillian would've thought he couldn't speak.

The boy had tried escaping a few times after that, but failed.

They had picked out Leena's name because the little girl was still too young. But the boy was big enough to choose his own name, and they didn't want to impose a name on him. Lord knows he'd had enough choices ripped out of his hands already.

"It must be difficult for him to trust," Elle mumbled. "Who knows how long he was there."

Leena ran right at Lillian and hid behind her legs. The twin wolves went around, and Lillian picked up the little girl with a laugh. Leena had gained weight over the week she'd been here, her cheeks were plump and her dark skin gleamed with a healthy flush under the bright morning light, her black curls tied in two pigtails that bounced every time she turned her head.

"Are the wolves chasing you, little Leena?" Lillian cooed.

She gave her a toothy grin. "Wolf!"

"Yes, wolf!" Lillian said encouragingly. "Good girl."

Leena didn't talk much. Her vocabulary was underdeveloped for a child her age. It was understandable considering the environment she'd grown in. But she was learning, her communication skills improving quickly.

Elijah and Ezra shifted and stood butt naked. "Mommy, can we take her with us to the lake?" Elijah asked. "Leena, wanna go swimming?"

"Swim?" Leena perked up. The children had been to the pack village a few times, and Leena had developed a healthy obsession with playing in the water.

"Yes, swim," Lillian set her down. "Okay, go ahead. But watch her closely, alright? And put on your pants."

The twins ran to the pile of clothes they'd shed that morning, pulled on their pants, and ran to Leena. She took their hands and walked between them.

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