Chapter 17

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Lillian gaped like a fish out of water.

She didn't know what to do with this gentle, affectionate Noah. She could easily deal with the alpha, the grouchy ass who antagonized her without even trying. But this...

Fortunately, she was saved from his intense, expectant gaze when a voice interrupted.


Lillian looked over her shoulder to find Phoebe. In a form-hugging copper sequined dress, Phoebe looked like a goddess, her long legs flattered by the short hem and her curves plentiful for a woman of her tall stature.

Okay. Lillian had the presence of mind to admit she was envious of the woman's body. Nothing wrong with that.

"Phoebe, what is it?" Noah spoke, and his voice was so cold and distant compared to a few moments earlier that Lillian glanced back at him with raised brows.

"The party is beginning," Phoebe said. No shit, Sherlock. They could all hear the music.

"Thank you," Noah said. "You may go."

Phoebe hesitated, then turned back around, hips swaying, but not before giving Lillian a seething glare. A light bulb lit up over Lillian's head.

"She likes you," Lillian blurted out.

Noah grimaced, scratching his beard. "That's debatable."


"Greed isn't specifically a human trait," Noah said. "Everyone loves power, and alphas hold a considerable amount of it."

Lillian frowned. "I'll admit I don't know Phoebe, but just because she likes you doesn't mean she does so because of your power."

"Good thing that I know Phoebe better than you do," Noah said, then sighed heavily. "Let's go."

They'd just started talking when Lillian remembered. "Noah?"


"How old are you?"

Lillian could swear his lips twitched up. "Why?"

"Well, I just want to know," Lillian replied. "You're not, like, a hundred or something like that, right?"


"Well? How old are you?"

They reached the edge of the trees, opening up to the clearing by the lake that had been ground to some of the games. An orange glow blanketed the entire area; fairy lights hung on trees and floating lanterns dotted the water of the lake like stars on a dark sky. Lillian sighed, content and happy in a way that scared her.

Sensual notes of music soared to Lillian's ears, and mouth-watering wood grill fragrance nearly made her drool.

Pack mates scattered about, some raiding the buffet, some swaying to the music, and others surreptitious shadows in the dark edges of the place necking and cuddling.

"Come. You should have dinner," Noah said, nodding toward the food benches.

"Are you just going to ignore my question?" Lillian walked with him, an annoyed presence. She knew he was avoiding her question. Did that mean he was actually older than he looked?

"I'm not," Noah said. "I'm just choosing not to answer. Why don't you guess?"

Narrowing her eyes at him, Lillian stuck her tongue out. Real mature, Lillian, she thought, annoyed at herself.

His lips quirked up again, and even though his gaze was focused forward, she knew he saw her.

They reached the buffet where Jake was stuffing his face with grilled meat. He mumbled a 'hey' through chipmunk-loaded cheeks. Lillian smiled. The man was too cute to be master-at-arms of a wolf pack.

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