59. hatred

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You really are invested in this thing called hate.

Are you sure it's not an obsession?

For you to give it so much of your mind to fester,

so much of your thoughts to grow?

Your hate is tinted crimson,

so close to life.

You know too much to think otherwise;

This person, this...thing is so easy to bastardise.

Your hate is tinted scarlet,

and you are a raging bull.

Falling to every whim of its play

Hate has made you its willing prey.

You claim to hate so much that you rather have nothing to do with 'them'

Only to realise that you have never done without.

It surrounds your conversations,

your thoughts,

your critique,

your wrath;

which consumes you,

and blinds you,

and leaves reason behind you.

The slightest action

ignites a plethora of reactions.

You are like a strummed guitar,

like a stringed marionette.

Let alone, but only so far.

"It's a pity," the stars sigh.

As you take the knife festering beneath your skin

and carve names unto your being.

Again, and again,

and again, and again.

This seductive monologue has numbed your mind

poisoned you, made you blind.

I hope you wake up before it is too late

Before your veins collapse from crimson

blackened by hate.


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