46. patience

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I have exhausted myself of all poetry for the time being, and in this silence I'm learning that good things take time. I'm also thinking about how good things can come at the wrong time and how that phrase has been ringing at the back of my mind since forever.

It is one thing to be patient with yourself, but this if overdone can lead to stagnancy, and it is another to be patient with process. That is what I'm trying to learn now.

Patience and persistence.

But imagine toiling in the wrong lane for eternity and getting nothing in return, and because of that you determine that determination is of no use and endurance is a lie.
Imagine persistently striking at ice to make fire.

It is hope that has given me reason to persist. Hope that in time I'll learn how to manage the good I've been given.
And with patience I'm learning how to unlearn these bad habits that keep me stuck in a rut. I am also learning how to analyze my lane and make the most out of change, out of whatever season that comes my way.

Then persistency is a part of my amory because I can't wait to see myself as who I've always hoped to be.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon