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Maximus's POV

Monica opened the door and I tried to bolt past her but she opened her hand and shot something that blasted me back.

"Can I help you?" I hear her say at the doorway.

"Yeah bitch, we're here for our friend." I hear a guy say.

"Oh yeah? There's no friend of yours here. Maxy, come tell these boys that you don't know them." She beckoned me forward.

I slowly walk forward but I don't recognize any of them. "Sorry, but I don't know who you guys are." I said scratching the back of my head.

Monica goes to close the door but one of them stuck their foot in the way. "Do you recognize this girl?!" I hear him shout.

"Go ahead, love. Take a look." Monica says with a smirk on her face. I peer at the phone screen and I see a photo of the girl I had in my vision.

"W-who is she?" I asked him. I watched Monica frown.

"She's your mate!" I stilled. What's a mate? I'm so confused but I decide to make a split second decision to go with the guys who know this mysterious angel.

"I'm sorry Monica, but I'm going to go with them, I think they have answers for me." I tell her.

"NO!" She yells before blasting me back again. The door bursts open and four guys come barreling in. Three of them instantly transformed into wolves and the other bared his fangs at her. I laid on the ground in disbelief. Wolves? Vampires? This is just too freaky for me!

"You messed with the wrong woman!" She yells at them before blasting at them with invisible gusts of air. One of the wolves gets pushed back but another reaches her and begins trying to tear her arm off. I'm so scared I can't move. I just watch the fight as it occurs. The third wolf grabs onto her leg and then the vampire goes for her throat, ripping it out. It's so bloody and gruesome that I throw up. When I looked back up she was lying limp on the ground, blood and guts gushing out. The men all had blood covering their mouths. I leaned over and threw up again from the sight of all the blood.

"Max! Are you ok?" The vampire asked me. I backed up against the wall, trying to get away from him.

"Seriously dude? You're a demon, get a grip already." The twin with the lip ring scoffed.

"I think I would know if I were a demon!" I yelled back, wiping my mouth off with my arm.

"Well apparently you don't know shit." Lip ring said.

"Can somebody please tell me what's going on?" I asked, still a bit wary of these strange creatures

"Look, we've been looking for your punk ass. Your mate needs you, she just gave birth!" The twin without the lip ring tells me. Is this for real? I'm still wary but I need to see this mystery woman, I just know that she holds all the answers.

"Look, I don't know you guys but I need to see this woman. Can you take me to her?" I asked them.

"Yes. Just come with us." The vampire said. I looked around the room, pieces of my captor strewn about everywhere. With a shudder, I made my way to the door and exited with the men.

A few hours later we arrived in Oregon. What the fuck is out here?

We drove to an apartment complex and arrived at one of the units.

"Don't be weird with Rose. She doesn't know that we've arrived yet and she doesn't know that you've lost your memories. She just gave birth so we don't want to stress her out. Act normal." The one named Joel told me. I nodded my head and we walked in. Immediately I was hit with the most glorious scent, I followed my nose and saw an angel laying in a bed, holding two babies. I looked her over and felt compelled to move closer. She turned her head to me and her eyes got big. "Max! Oh my gods!" She handed her babies off to who I presumed were her parents, and hopped out of the bed before running to me. She enveloped me in a hug and pressed her lips to mine. I groaned at the feel of her perfect lips, I pulled her closer to me and licked her lips to gain entrance. She opened her mouth and I thrust my tongue in, tasting her. Her body gave off delicious sparks that I felt I could become addicted to.

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