Chapter 5

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Scarlett's pov
It was late in the afternoon and everyone was in the room doing whatever they did. "What was that?" Jackson asked.
"What was what?" I asked.
"You guys had a moment this morning. What happened to not looking for a relationship?"
"What moment? When?"
"That moment when you were basically fucking Asher?"
"That was not a moment. I was punching the dude in the fucking face."
"But stopped after one hit?"
"I wanted to show mercy. I'm not evil." They were all quiet after that and went back to what they were doing.

It was late at night and I went to go train again but when I got there, Asher was already there. He wasn't here last night, why is he here tonight? I walked up to the punching bag trying to ignore him but he walked to me instead. "Hey, gorgeous." He said, and it happened again. The backflips were back. Why are they back? All he said was 'hey'. Was it because he said gorgeous? Do I tell him not to call me gorgeous? Do I just ignore it? "What do you want?" I asked in an irritated tone. I didn't mind him calling me gorgeous. I actually liked it. "I just wanted to say hey, no need to be so cold about it."
"Why are you here, Asher?"
"I'm here to see you."
"How'd you know I was going be here?"
"You were here last night around this time, and I guess it was just by chance that you're here again tonight." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Chance? More like luck. What else did you see last night?"
"I also saw you lying in the grass with your headphones on looking up at the stars."
"Stalker much. Why exactly are you here Asher?"
"I want a rematch. I can't lose against a newbie."
"Aww did I hurt your ego?"
"A little bit."
"Suck it up."
"Ew, don't do that again," I said with a disgusted face.
"Please, I won't bother you again. That's a lie, but I promise I won't ask for another re-match if I lose."
"Fine, one rematch, that's it."

I wrapped my hands in a bandage and stood with my fists up, right leg back and left leg forward, and so did Asher. He charged forward and brought his right leg up to kick me in the face but I quickly blocked and brought my left fist up to my face. He tried it again with his left leg but I blocked it again and I grabbed his foot with my right hand. As I grabbed it, I pulled it causing him to lose balance, making him fall on his face. He rolled onto his back and I went to stomp him in the stomach but he rolled away before I could. He stood up and ran to tackle me. He ran me into the wall behind me causing my back to hit the wall hard. Not having enough time to react quickly enough he punched me in the face and once more in the gut. I groaned in pain. Fuck me he punches hard, I was going easy on him but I see now how he wants to play. He wanted to punch me again but I rolled away against the wall causing him to punch the wall. With the front of his body still facing the wall, I kicked him in the back of his right knee, making him fall on it with his left knee still up. He got up as quick as he fell down and ran towards me again. This time he just body-slammed me onto the floor. He got on top of me again and just sat there. "Looks like I won," he says with a smug look on his face. I grabbed his face and head-butted him, before he could do anything else I rolled over so that I was on top of him, I grabbed both his hands and held them above his head so that he couldn't do anything. "I think your eyes are deceiving you because it looks like I won," I said as I got close to his face.
"Fine, you won. I guess I won't ask you for a rematch."
"Good," I said as I was getting up.
"Why'd you have to get up? I was just getting comfortable."
"That's exactly why I got up. You were getting way too comfortable." He got up and dusted himself off.
"Same time tomorrow?"
"I thought you weren't going to ask me for another rematch?"
"I'm not, maybe we could be sparing partners, I could learn a thing or two from you and you could learn some things from me, you never know, we make a good team you know." I stood there for a while thinking about what I should do. Who knows maybe he has a few tricks I might not know, like that sneak attack he pulled this morning. And I do like fighting with him, he's not very easy, and that's what I like... Fuck it. "Sure. Why not."
"Great." I left without saying anything else. I could hear him walking behind me. I went to lay on the grass again but this time Asher joined me. "What do you want now?" I asked. "Nothing, just joining you. Maybe get to know you better."
"Fine, what do you want to know?"
He asked me questions and I just answered them. It was like that for a couple of minutes before everything just went silent. I didn't say anything. I liked the silence. Just looking up at the stars. Suddenly my eyelids started feeling heavy and I fell asleep right there outside on the grass. Suddenly I felt Asher's hands lifting up my head and placing it down somewhere softer. I think it was his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, and I could feel my head moving slowly as he was breathing. He put his arm around me, holding me in place. I didn't bother opening my eyes, I was too tired and comfortable to be bothered. I had let myself fall asleep on his chest. What the fuck are you doing Scar? You just met the dude and you're already sleeping on his chest. What is wrong with you? As the thoughts flew through my mind I just kept on sleeping. And before I knew it, the thoughts just stopped..

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