Chapter 4

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Scarlett's pov
It was late at night and all my roommates were still awake. They told me all the school's drama. I didn't really want to know but I wanted to get all the information I could on everyone, so I pretended to be really interested. I kept asking questions and making mental notes on everyone. "Do you know anything about that Asher dude," I asked. "Asher? That green-eyed boy with the dreads?" Saige asked.
"Yes, the dark-skinned one."
"Oh him, apparently he's the smartest boy in the school and all his attack skills are almost professional-like. No one has ever beaten him before. Other than that, he's like a ghost. No one knows anything about his personal life. A lot of girls tried to talk to him but he just rejected them."
"Why'd you ask about him?" Akemi asked.
"I think he likes me. He was flirting with me during lunch."
"Wait really? Then you're the first girl he flirt with. Not surprised though, you're hot, who wouldn't flirt with you?"
"I'm not looking for a relationship, but I am looking for a challenge. And if he is as good as you say, then I just met my perfect match."
"What are you plotting? I want to know. You got an evil look on your face. I know you're plotting something just spill already."
"I am going to humble him tomorrow. His ego is going down."
"He doesn't seem like the person to have an ego though."
"Trust me, everyone has an ego. Even if you're a ghost"
Tomorrow will be the first day I have training. I think I'm going to practice a bit before I fall asleep. I thought to myself. I got up from my bed and went to put on comfortable clothes. I walked out the door without telling anyone where I was going and went outside. It was windy, but not too windy. The cold air was perfect for training. I started walking around and found the training centre. I wrapped my hands and started punching the punching bag. I then started kicking it in different ways. As I was looking around, I found the area they train with weapons. I picked up a dagger and started swinging it around tactically, as if I was in a battle with someone, using a combination of kicking, punching, stabbing and defensive moves. This went on until I felt like I was getting tired. I put the dagger back and unwrapped the bandages off my hands then wiped the sweat off my face and neck with a towel. I started walking back and decided to lie in the grass and look at the stars in the sky. I put on my headphones and listened to music. It was so peaceful, the cool air, the bright stars, and the perfect music playing. Everything felt so, unreal. After a few minutes, I decided to go back. When I got back to the room, everyone was asleep. I took a shower and went straight to bed; I was lying in bed for only a few minutes before I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up early before everyone and made myself breakfast before everyone else got awake. When I was done eating I went back to the training centre to train, but when I got there Asher was already training. I hid away before he could see me. I wanted to analyse his combat techniques, and from what I could see, his moves were more on the offence side and hardly ever defence. After seeing what I needed to see I walked in like I just got there. "Hey Scar, when did you get here?" he asked.
"Don't call me Scar and I just got here," I said bluntly.
"Fine, I won't call you Scar."
"Thanks, now if you don't mind, I would love to train without any distractions"
"Yes, I do mind actually."
"And why is that?"
" Because you're the one that's going to distract me. I won't be able to focus, with such a beautiful lady in the same room as me."
"I'm flattered, but if you think I'm that much of a distraction, then leave. It's that easy."
"No way dude. I was here first."
"Fine, then I'll leave."
"No don't go. Why not train together?"
"Why not? I'll go easy on you, I promise" Go easy on me? Is he that desperate? I thought to myself.
"I don't need anyone going easy on me. In fact, I might have to go easy on you.
"Oh really? You want to test that theory?"
"Let's go pretty boy."
"I like the sound of that. Say it again."
"No. I'll say it when I feel like saying it."

I wrapped my hand in the bandage and made sure it wasn't too tight. "Remember, don't go easy on me," I said as I was turning to him look at him, but as soon as my whole body turned around I saw him standing right behind me. Next thing I knew he threw a punch at me but I was quick enough to dodge it. As soon as his whole arm extended I grabbed it with my left hand and punching in the face with my right hand causing him to stumble backwards, he was still on his feet and lumped over when he came to a stop. I didn't even hear him walk up behind me, that's dangerous, I need to be more observant of my surroundings. "What the fuck dude? No warning?"
"You said not to go easy on you. And now I see why." He explained while touching his nose. It started bleeding fast. He stood tall again and shook his head as if to get rid of the pain.
"I know I said that but you could have at least waited till I was ready."
"That reaction seemed pretty ready to me." He said and suddenly ran towards me. He threw another punch but I swerved out of the way. He threw another punch in my direction but I ducked and as soon as I was low enough, I punched him in his stomach and he groaned in pain. I stood tall again and the next thing I know he kicked my feet from under me and I fell hard on my back. It knocked my wind out for a split second but I quickly got it back. He was then sitting on top of me and punched me in the face. As he was going in for the second punch but I grabbed him by the collar and head budded him. He leaned his head back and I rolled over so that I was on top of him. I punched him in the face and he groaned in pain again. I then stood up and held out my hand to help him up. He took it and stood up. "We're done for the day, I have classes to get to," I told him as I wiped the blood from my nose. "Why stop so soon? I was just having fun."
"You had fun getting your ass beat?"
"By you? Any day." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and turned to walk away, but when I turned around I saw my roommates standing there in shock. Did they watch that whole thing? How long were they standing there? "Did you just beat the top student in our grade?" Akemi asked. "What does it look like, dumbass?" I stated.
"No fucking way."
"I know right, I'm surprised myself. She told me not to go easy on her but I had to ask her to go easy on me." Asher said as he walked up behind me.
"It's not that difficult. He's too predictable." I explained
"Figure it out yourself, right now I have to shower and go to class."
"We'll come with you," Jackson said.
We all walked away, leaving Asher to stand there alone. I looked back and he winked at me. I instantly looked away. What was that? What is this feeling? Why is my stomach doing backflips? This can't be. I don't like him, right? It's only the second day we've known each other. So many things were going through my mind at that moment that I needed them to stop. I can't get into any relationships right now. I thought to myself and I snapped right back. I took a shower and went on with my day.        

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