Chapter 2

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Scarlett's pov
The next day my parents dropped me off while Aunt Tahlia welcomed me at the doors. "Welcome, to Assassins Den. Here are the books you're going to need and your schedule." She gave me everything and we walked into the building. It looked like something out of a novel. It was huge and it looked amazing on the outside and on the inside.
As I walked inside the building, my thought process completely changed. It looked so much bigger on the inside than on the outside. It looked like an optical illusion. It looked even more beautiful than I expected it to be. At this point, my jaw was on the floor at how surprised I was.
"Beautiful ain't it?" Aunt Tahlia's voice brought me back to reality. "Huh?" I asked while shaking my head. She chuckled at my astonishment. "This place, it's beautiful isn't it?"
"Yea it is, it really is. Why has no one mentioned how beautiful this place is?"
"We thought we'd want you to see for yourself, and now you have."
"This is really where I'll be studying and training?"
"This place is massive!"
"It is, so it will take you a while to learn where everything is, but once you know, it's a piece of cake. I felt exactly how you feel when I first entered. You will be in my class; I had that arranged for you." She said that with a smile on her face. She seemed really excited for me to be in her class. And if I was being honest, I was excited too. She passed me a bag with something in it. "What's in here?"
"That, my dear, is your clothing gear for missions. I took the liberty of getting this for you as a 'first-day-of-school gift. I know your style and all, so I think you'll really like it. And no don't worry it's nothing girly."
"Thank you, Aunt T, I really appreciate this." I gave her a nice big hug and held it for a while. Aunt Tahlia was the only person other than my family that I allowed to touch me. Other people made me feel icky on the inside.

We then walked to a room further on in the building. "This is your dorm room. There are in total three people on the inside. Don't worry; I know these kids and they won't bother you if not necessary. They're chill; they're a lot like you if I think about it."
"I'm trusting you on this one. If they annoy me I'm slitting their throats one by one."
"That's against the rules here. Do not kill a student of Assassins Den. Anyways, they will explain everything you need to know just ask them. Oh and pro tip, don't tell them who your parents are just yet if you want to actually be friends with them, just to test if they're loyal or not."
"Ok then. I hate people so fucking much, why do I have to have dorm mates."
"I'm not the dean of the fucking school now, am I? Don't fucking bother me with that shit now."
"I never fucking said you were the dean; it was a general fucking question."
"Okay, I have a class I need to get to. Be nice, see you in class."
"Okay, sure, whatever." Aunt Tahlia left and had me standing in front of the door. I worked up the courage and opened the door. As I opened it, all eyes were on me, it felt like a pit dropped in my stomach. "Oh, hello, you must be Scarlett. Nice to meet you, I'm Akemi, that's Jackson and that's Saige." She said pointing to the two boys sitting on the bed together. The boys waved at me and went back to what they were doing. They were on their phones and Akemi was reading a book. "Your bed is right there in the corner of the room. Your things were delivered to the room and we left it untouched." She proceeded to explain.
"I'll just get settled in then. This room is way larger than I expected it to be."
"I said the same thing when I first arrived." I looked around the room in amusement and set down my stuff on the bed. I proceeded to pack all my things out so that there was less work for me to do later.

I finished packing out my things and I decided to get to know the people in my room. I figured if we were going to live together, we might as well get to know each other.
"Hey, could I bother you guys quick?"
"Sure, why not," Akemi answered.

"I figured we might want to get to know each other if we're going to be living together."
"Yea, totally, what do you want to know?"
"First off, what are your pronouns?"
"Mine are she/they. And the boys are both he/him. Gay fact, we're all homosexuals here. I'm lesbian and a demi-girl and the boys are both gay."
"Oh, no way! I'm bisexual and gender fluid, I use any pronouns."
"Oh cool!" Jackson exclaimed from across the room.
"So we're all homosexuals here?" asked Saige.
"Seems like it."
We all laughed at that strange coincidence. I had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, I would actually like these people. I then noticed the bag that Aunt Tahlia gave me. I went to the bathroom and tried on the clothing. It had fit perfectly on me and it looked amazing.
It was all black which I liked and it was comfortable. It was a short-sleeve turtle neck, a leather jacket, comfortable jeans and comfortable boots that were able to hide any small knives I had.
I walked out of the bathroom and asked the others for their opinions. Their jaws dropped and were basically in the earth's core from how wide they were. "I take it I look good?"
"Are you kidding you look fucking amazing! Is that your gear for missions? Where'd you get that?" Akemi asked with a broad-eyed expression.
"Yeah, I actually got this from someone one and I think they did a good job"
"Your tits are fucking huge, oh my fuck!"
"It is and I hate it; it gets in the way of everything. That's why I strap them when I am training or on missions."
"I'm jealous of your tits, I wish they were that big."
"We get it; you're gay stop looking at her tits now," Saige said rolling his eyes.
"Oh shut up and suck some dick will you!"
"Sure, you want to watch?"
I gave a quick chuckle, finally someone as sarcastic as me. We all laughed and went on with our day. We talked for a while and got to know each other. I didn't tell them about my parents though.

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