Chapter 27

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Carter's pov

"That's a double sharp," Johannes corrected me and I went back to play it before going back to carrying on as she turned the page examining what I have memorized.

"Thumb on F, it's natural- take a break. You're making too many mistakes. The hell is on your mind? You've yet to tell me how the wedding turned out and Jolene won't even talk about it," she shut the music close.

"The wedding wasn't even a wedding, let's leave it at that," I sighed.

"You want to be dry too?" She caught my eye.

"I know lingo," she made me blink in bewilderment.

"Anyways," I brushed her off.

"Long story short, the daughter of the groom walked in on me and Jolene getting ready. She was willing to pay me $30k to help her sabotage her dad's wedding and provide donors to the fine arts-

I watched Johannes spit and choke on her tea, yeah me too.

"I somehow agreed- in my opinion, she could've pulled it off without my involvement and yet she somehow managed to play things all in my favor- again, worst business transaction in my opinion... it went from playing the worst music possible to remaining clueless about the sabotage- I still don't understand the dynamics of this as Mary- that's Bishop's former-

"After all the flirting we did at the dinner?!" She butted in.

"Okay, that wasn't even flirting; you're being delusional- and off topic," I indulged a bit and she scoffed but remained to herself.

"But yes, that assistant... I don't know how else to say this but she was the one the groom was having an affair with and she just stumbled into the bathroom drunk and she was just a complete mess beyond recovery of whatever quickie she was doing with the groom. he was just outside the women's bathroom a complete mess as well with his daughter snapping photos of them there. I was there witnessing it so he offered me $700,000 of hush money-

"Wait- come again?" She snapped- no, literally; her neck literally snapped and so did her spine as she tried to look at me.

"We're in the same boat... I'm pretty sure it was a bluff though because he started freaking out when his daughter snatched the check book and it was explained that they have special check books that when you write on them, there's a second sheet behind the checks that are made with special materials so when you write on one-

"Carbonless paper, very useful when you're a business owner. Documents all your important spending," she informed me.

"Yeah, that... anywho, I forgot to mention, he grabbed a napkin writing an agreement that I wouldn't say word of the affair to anyone and all that jazz-

"Distract you and emphasize the bluff," she cuts me off again.

"Okay, who's telling the story? You or me?" I was getting irritated and rightfully so at that.

"You can't expect me to not cut you off every three seconds with a story like this, but Carter? You're going to have to consider real estate or your taxes are going to be your worst enemy next year. And I don't like competing for that title," she informed me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking about it over the summer. It'll just push back my graduation date for my AA," I sighed

"You can get a music degree wherever, whenever. No one cares, we only care about what you can do with the education received. Not how good of the education you received of the entitlement of you having a degree in music. Get a damn real estate license and put the money into property, the sooner the better," she shined light on something.

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