Chapter 22

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Carter's pov.

I flopped on my sofa and decided to sort through my emails on my laptop-

Apparently I'm also the idiot who synced my phone to my laptop, all these notifications from my phone.


I opened my email and finished up the hiring process for my part time- or at least I thought thats what I auditioned for....

Dear Carter Cammery,

It was amazing hearing you play today. I couldn't help it, neither could the rest of the church family and so with that, we decided to take you in part time:

Saturday night masses to not conflict with your Sunday rehearsals...


I already told Bishop to switch me out the ensemble because in terms of priorities, well- getting the job was my top focus for me as it allows me to my mistake with El...

Apparently there was no need-

No, there's still a need.

We need space.

We do need to talk, but in all fairness, the way we've been talking to each other- I'm not ready to talk and she may be ready because she has experience with relationships but she's my first.

I'm just lot ready and I'm trying to keep afloat.

Space and time to process everything.

I'm glad I'm able to realize the damage I did through self reflection. I just need some time to come terms with it because I'm practically in denial about it as I'm doing all that I can to fix it but going through with it- I wish I could make sense of this, but it just makes sense for me to do it like this.

Back to reading..

however, you may be listed as part time, you're our first pick for every church event we have (weddings included) making you generate full time pay.

To take it into very good consideration, some payments will be made under the counter (cash) hint hint nudge nudge, taxes.

A talent like yours should shine as bright as heaven.

I'm also sending this email out as I've gotten back from Mr. Exward's fiancé; she says as long as it's slow and romantic, she could care less if your covers went from Chopin, to Whitney Houston. I'm looking forward to Wednesday afternoon at the parish (wedding day).

Dress code is IVORY white.

We'll be receiving a cashier's check- a hefty one as you know why. I made sure you were able to get a word in with the newly wedded couple sometime during the dinner.

Have a blessed evening,

Oh you've got to be kidding me.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. This is going great- ish. Practically according to my master- I wouldn't say plan.

I didn't plan it.

I followed through in hope of this being my outcome.

And it is.

I think the method to this madness is that I should trust myself more- no matter who doubts me. After all the accomplishments I've made, I should trust me more. It was me who got me across the finish line.

Johannes, my teachers and everyone else may have shown the way, but it was me who applied to my success.


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