Chapter 25

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Eleanora's pov

"I can only assume how much of a pleasure it will be working with you," I mocked Nala's interaction with Carter the other day.


And the thing with pen?

What, they're gonna be food fanatic besties now too? Plan a date or whatever to the next food festival?

I finished applying my spf moisturizer to my face and took one last look in the mirror as I tightened the towel covering my body and redid my hair with my clamp.

There's no way Carter instantly decided to bond with the woman that quickly and it took me weeks- I may be over exaggerating, but she literally walked in and just...

then again, that text.

I never texted her back and asked.

I walked to my night stand to retrieve my phone to take another look at the message.

I should ask why.

Me: what was that yesterday?

Carter: a meet and greet. I have to get to know the person that'll be conducting me.

I rolled my eyes in irritation: where was this when we met?

I keep going back and forth with this but I cannot help it:

Asking Nala all of those questions that showed interest and I'd have to fish questions out of her and overthink every interaction with her.

It was just instantaneously that she took it upon herself to show an interest in the woman and not only- she's actually interested. She's never taken that type of initiation with me before. Never.

I can't remember a time Carter had enough confidence to just- ugh.

"I have to try every food- blah blah blah," I groaned.

Me: ... I was talking ab the previous message. You stopped me from telling her ab your recent accomplishments. And is it true you don't have anything prepared for this expedition that you wanted to have???

God, that came off as mean, should I edit that?


She's been nothing but mean to me.

But when her eyes softened when she looked at me briefly the other day.. I could forget about our argument the other day, easily forgotten. I just want her back at my doorstep with that nervous goofy look on her face and I'd have to remind her where my spare key is...

It'd be a great idea to gift her the spare key to my house so she can feel free to come over whenever.

Me: I'm sorry. Disregard that, I...

I started deleting what was being typed as I saw bubbles forming as Carter was typing her response. I already have the vibe she doesn't want to talk after the first message I sent and I-

I let out a sigh as I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I've been trapped in my own head ever since that night I blew up at Carter- I did more than that, I broke up with her and then walked away. Didn't even open the door for her on the way out.

I quickly wiped my tears away when my phone vibrated and I saw her text.

Carter: i don't want to be deemed valuable based on what I have to give. She shouldn't have to know anything else other than that I will be in her ensemble. I want to be valued genuinely... as for the other question, I'm getting to it. Gtg.

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