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Elenora POV

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Elenora POV

I ran towards the mansion with Gio following behind me. 

I was about to reach for the door when Gio grabbed my arm pulling me back. 

"I thought you were smart." Giovanni said moving me behind him as he held his gun up. 

"I am." 

"Not when you make impulsive decisions." He said as he opened the door with the gun still in his hand. 

The second we entered we saw Aleksander on the floor with blood all around him. 

I instantly ran towards him whilst Gio checked around the mansion. 

I checked for Aleksander's pulse but there was nothing. 

"Gio!" I called him and he walked towards me. 

He was way to calm right now. 

Gio knelt down checking his pulse too. "He's dead." He shrugged and got up. 

"How are you so calm?" I said. It felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest. 

But for what?

"You're confusing your emotions Nora. Your hearts not beating quickly because of Aleksander's death but because your afraid of what's about to happen next." 

I hated how he knew me. 

He could read me too well. 

He held out his hand, which I took standing up. He led my into Aleksander's office as we both sat down on the couch. 

"I guess you're now the Albanian Mafia Don." Gio said making me sigh. 

I rubbed my face with my hands in frustration. This was going to quickly, and not as I had planned. 

"You need to have a meeting with the other Albanians and declare Aleksander's death." Gio said and I looked up at him. 

"There's one issue though." I said making him raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"We have no evidence to say that Aleksander wanted me as the next Don." 

Gio smirked getting up. He searched through Aleksander's draws and pulled out a file and walked back to me. 

He handed me the file and I opened it to see Aleksander's signature confirming that I'm the Don if anything were to happen to him. 

"Is this really happening?" I whispered to myself and Gio chuckled. "Relax, it's not that hard." He said making me glare at him. "Plus, I could make it easier for you." He continued. 

"And how's that?" I asked him. 

"Marry me." 

"How will that make anything easier? If anything it'll make things worse." I replied. 

"You'll get security. 

"By the way, girls die to marry me and you've rejected me about 3 times now." 

"Let me arrange this meeting with the Albanian Mafia members first." I said getting up and walking towards Aleksander's old desk. 

Gio was about to leave when I called him. "Gio, I'll reply to your marriage proposal once Abdyl is dead. Meaning I haven't rejected you yet." 

He nodded at me and turned to leave when he remembered something. "Before the meeting find out about Aleksander's will." Gio said and I nodded. 

I picked up my phone once Gio left the office. 

This really is happening...


Time Skip - 1 day later. 

I was dressed in black dress making sure to look presentable at Aleksander's funeral. Gio was here will me along with Armani Rossi and other Mafia members. Abdyl and Fiona didn't show up, thankfully. 

Once the funeral was over I sat in back seat and the driver was about to drive off when a knock on the window snapped me out of my thoughts. 


He opened my door. "Scoot over." He said getting into the car and I quickly moved to the other seat before he sat on me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him pressing a button which separated the front of the car to the back. 

"I'm staying with you till everything's safe." He said making me scoff. 

"Gio I don't need-" I was cut off by him. "This isn't a discussion Elenora." 

I decided not to argue back as we stayed silent in the car. 

A while had gone past in silence when I spoke. "Mr Clark is coming for the will announcement and so are all the other Mafia members." 

"Abdyl shouldn't show up, don't worry. He knows he'll be dead." Gio said and I nodded. 

We made it to the mansion and we got out the car. I was walking towards the door when I saw a red envelope on the floor. 

I picked up the envelope and was about to open it when Gio grabbed it from my hand. "Heyy, It's clearly not for you."

He ignored what I said and opened it making me lean over to see too. 

It was a letter. 

He opened the letter then scoffed and the handed it to me. I glared at him first then looked at the letter. 

Sad father died. It was supposed to be you too but theirs no rush, your turn will come too. 

Your husband 


"What's taking you so long to kill him?" I turned to Gio. 

He didn't like being questioned and I knew I fucked up instantly.

"Elenora-" He was cut off by a bunch of cars entering. I silently thanked them because I knew Gio was angry and it wouldn't have ended in my favour. 

Everyone got out the car and greeted us as they made their way inside the house with Gio following them.

A fairly young man came towards us. He had glasses and held some files in his hand and was struggling to keep his bag on his shoulder. He was a mess. 

"Miss Elenora, I'm Mr Clark. We spoke over the phone." He said and I smiled. "Yes, please come in." I replied and led him in. 

We all sat in the living room as Gio spoke. "Well Mr Clark, if you could please read the will."

Mr Clark nodded and opened the file. 

"Well, Mr Aleksander has a lot of assets. These include his land, business, homes, jets, and cars." Mr Clark said. 

He turned the next page. 

"Well, his will was recently updated just a few weeks before his death." Mr Clark spoke again turning the page. 


This will be over quickly." He said making me raise an eyebrow and look at Gio. 

"All Mr Aleksander's assets are given to Miss Elenora."

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