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Just after I knew that ian was kidnapped I ran through all the cctv footage in my area and started checking everywhere. I sent my men to the places that I found suspicious but he was nowhere to be found. I was really worried about ian, the main thing is he didn't know how to fight or how to escape from situations like these. He was just a normal human and that really stressed me out.

"Mika come here" I called mika out

"Yes boss" he replied

"Call each and every one of our small clans and ask them to send their men right away at the main house"

"Are you sure? I mean they'll be here in a week " he said with a lil frown on his face

"I need manpower the more the merrier and if my suspicion is right, then it is
Kagar who has kidnapped ian and even you know what he can do to get me out of this business. The main thing is that he's a heartless piece of shit and he won't even blink an eye while shooting ianor while torturing him so we need to hurry up" I said and mika made calls and arranged everything.

The manpower would be at our main house in the next 2 days and in these 2 days I was gonna figure out the plan of how to find ian and kill that asshole.

~ After 2 days

After 2 days I had the entire army ready, everyone was here and they were gonna give their best to find my husband.

"R divide everyone into 4 teams, you'll lead 2 and I'll lead the other 2 and we need to find him as soon as possible. We'll be contacted by the walkie and be careful I don't want to shift my focus from ian anymore and whoever comes in your way just fucking kill them"

He nodded and we left with our respective teams. He went to the locations located in the south and I went to the locations located in the north. After searching for 2 days straight we found a location where there was nothing but something seemed suspicious. My team searched around

"Boss we've found something over here" one of my men said

"What is it?" I asked and he showed me clithes which were torn apart from everywhere and they were burned at some places. Just by looking at the clothes anyone could judge what might've happened to the one wearing it.

"Give it to me over here" I gestured the men to give it to me

The clothes seemed similar and even though I didn't want to believe that whose clothes they were I had to. I saw ian wearing them the day he left when we checked the cctv footage. I was mad and pissed as hell, I was mad at myself not at the one who kidnapped him or anything. The only reason ian was in such a State was because of me. only if that day I would've left him he wouldn't have been in such a situation.

I took the clothes with me and we left for the next location. We searched and searched and encountered with a group of thugs who were on a mission to loot us but I was wayy too focused to even look at them. I killed them on spot. But since there job is to roam here and there I left their leader alive and asked him

"Have you seen anything suspicious on your way here, like someone screaming or unusual group of men who just look like us?"

" I haven't seen anything like that" je replied, I knew he was lying

"There are only 2 options either you speak and make a new group or I kill you in the most unimaginable way, now fucking choose " I was angry as hell and he knew he would die the most painful death if he lied anymore

"Okay I'm not sure if you're looking for them but I did see something unusual in the mountains, there were men scattered all over the olace as if thry were imprisoning someone important over there" he replied

"Well I'm a man of my word so fucking leave before I change my mind" and he left so fast just like a wind

"You fucking heard the men so let's get moving "

We were headed to the mountains when suddenly we heard aoubd if footsteps nearby. We all paused in our steps and raised the gun and pointed it in the direction of the footsteps. The footsteps were slow and heavy and they were coming our way and finally someone came out from the branches and they suddenly fainted but I caught them in time. It was ian who was in my arms and he was wearing dirty and torn out clothes. He had a cut on his eyebrow and there was a blood patch on the rught arm. I was worried and didn't think about anything else.

"Some of you come with me and others go and check around, if you find something inform me, mika is on his way here , now go and carry ian to the nearest hospital" I announced and we all left

My team searched here and there but they only found out a house in which ian was kidnapped, not even a human was seen in the way or in the house.
They all returned with every proof or everything that was there in that house. The only thing I could think of is that there was someone keeping tabs on us and they informed the kidnappers that we'll be here so they released ian and left. I'm still confused that why did they leave ian behind, it was dangerous as ian would recognise them and they'll be thrown out of the clan and killed to death. But right now my main concern was ian.

"His condition is not that bad, he'll be up in few days and I've treated the wounds, there's nothing major to worry about so calm down" the dr. Said and I nodded and sat besides Ian's bed.

I kept staring at him for a long time, I was soo worried about him, and for the first time in decades my eyes were teary and I was pissed at myself. Even though he was out of danger and with me I was still worried, worried that what if he doesn't wake up and what if something goes wrong and something bad happens to him because of me. After a while even I fell asleep while holding Ian's hand and my head on his bed.

After what felt like eternity he opened his eyes next day and I ran towards his bed, he opened his eyes and there was an unusual look in his eyes.

"You're up, how are you, are you hurt somewhere else?" I asked

"No no I'm fine, but what happened to me ? Why am I in this hospital?" He asked and I was stunned

"You don't remember anything? Nothing at all? Dr. You fucking asshole where are you?" It's yelled through the corridors, why couldn't he remember anything, the dr. said that everything was fine with ian then why did he not remember anything

"Calm down lemme check him first" the dr. Came and checked ian

"He's fine it's just a memory loss because of something tragic or traumatic event. He was traumatized to the extent that he forgot about that particular event" the dr. informed

"So will he ever remember anything or not?" I asked

"There's a 50-50 % chance, but it's better for him to not remember anything as it can lead to PTSD. For the time being just shower him with love and care and don't let him work or take stress about anything "

"Ok dr. Thank you, when will you guys discharge him?

"Tomorrow, as we can stabilize him at your home too"

A/n: well the story is half way done, I'm soo happy. I never thought that I would write 20 chps and publish it for the readers but here we are. Thank you soo much for the support, truly love you guys✨❤️

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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