Chapter 8

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The next morning, I move my head to one side. Why is my pillow so hard? I move my head again but stop all at once when I feel something touching my hair.

Is that a roach?

My eyes fly wide open in disgust. It remains wide open when I see Christian's looking down at me with a slight smirk. I fell asleep yesterday and he didn't leave. My head is on his lap. How the hell did I end up on here?

I feel the movement on my hair again and swatting at the thing, I get in a sitting position quickly. I look at Christian again. Apparently, I have smacked his hand. Was he the one touching my hair?

"That was your hand", I shove my hair back with one hand and sigh. "I thought it was a cockroach."

"You stayed", I add afterwards.

"You fell asleep on me", he claims and gets up.

My face heats up and I get up as well. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know how I just fell asleep."

"It's not a crime", he grins. "You don't have to apologize."

"You could have woke me up", I point out.

"You look tired so I let you sleep", he wears his jacket while speaking and I find myself staring at him.

He still looks so handsome early in the morning and I dare to look at my reflection in the nearby mirror. I cringe at my own sight. My head looks like a bird nest.

"What's your plan for today?", he questions.


"You don't look well"

"I'm fine now", I say and start walking towards the kitchen with the mugs from yesterday night. "Do you want coffee?"

"No thank you. I have to leave. I"ll pick you up after work."

"Are you silly?", I almost laugh. "My shifts ends at three in the morning. There's no need to come. Just go home and sleep."

"I insist", he claims in a firm tone, not leaving any place for me to argue.

"Well if you insist", I shrug. "But you don't have to ruin your sleep just for me, you know. I can always return on my own. Just saying."

"See you at three Adonya", he grins and leaves.

I watch him leave through the window and sigh. What the hell did I get myself into?

Will he really come for me at three? I don't think so.

Nobody ever does. Once, I did ask a friend to come pick me because I was really tired but he complained about it. That was the last time I had asked anyone.

Later at work, Chloe keeps coming to see me every chance she gets. I keep telling her I'm fine but she doesn't listens. I hung up a call and here she is again. Already.

"Chloe", I groan. "Seriously, I'm fine. Don't keep leaving your work because of me."

"That nose is still runny", she points out. "Come in the kitchen for some hot lemon tea when you're free. I'll be waiting cupcake."

"Yes mom", I say, to appease her and she blows me a flying kiss before leaving.

I check my watch. It's nearly three and before leaving for work, I make sure to drink Chloe's hot lemon tea otherwise I will never hear the end of it. Once work is over, I change my clothes and walk out.

The air is cold out and I walk outside on the sidewalk. I can't even see a cab in sight so I keep walking. A car pulls up besides me and I freeze when I look at the car. The window rolls down and I see Christian's pretty face.

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