Chapter 6

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The next few days, I don't see Christian but his words are still present in my mind. I have been having trouble finding another job as well. I feel lost and hopeless.

After work, I decide to take a walk just to clear my mind and to see if I can work somewhere else. While I work, I think about my life. It has not been easy at all but leaving home and coming to stay in another state, had given me some kind of hope.

Hope that maybe, life will be okay one day. There will be no more struggle.

But it turns out, I am still struggling. Leaving home has been pretty hard. Mostly, because it's only my mother, brother and I. My father has not been in the picture since I was thirteen. And since then it's been the three of us against the world.

I have been doing my best to be there for them but it is still not enough. My mother's hospital bills are due and my brother's college fees are pending as well. I am struggling as well. With more than half of my salary gone at home, I barely have money for myself at times. Luckily, I manage for rent but it's really hard to do savings when I have barely nothing.

I stop walking after a while and stand still. My head is starting to ache and letting a tired sigh out, I look around. I have stopped just outside a club. It's a strip club.

I have heard women's earning is more than enough. Chloe used to joke about quitting and joining a strip club because money is really good here. I keep staring at the logo for a while.

My phone suddenly vibrates and it's another message from my brother about money.

I take a step towards the club but stop myself. I can't do this. Turning around, I walk away and I keep walking until I reach the park to sit at my usual place.

Please God, help me. Do something please.

My feet still when I see a familiar back sitting at my usual place. What is he doing here? 

I take a few steps back and not wanting to see him and leave from there. The next day, I visit the coffee shop. I am really stress and the headache won't stop. The doctor had called earlier. My mom's surgery is due soon and I still don't have enough money. Because it's heart related, it's really expensive.

"Nya", Mary says to me. "Are you not sleeping enough? You look really tired."

"Just a little tired", I try to say in a cheerful tone. "That's why I'm here. For your magic coffee."

Mary starts working on my drink with a disapproving look and tells me to take a seat while she brings it. I turn and see Christian sitting while already looking at me. It seems like he has been working here. His laptop is open in front of him. He is everywhere now.

All of the tables are occupied except the one place where he is sitting. I decide to stand near the counter and leave once my coffee is ready. And this is exactly what I do. Once Mary gives me my coffee, I pay for it and walk towards the park to sit in my usual place. It's been a while since I came here. I miss the peaceful feeling and cold air.

I sip on my hot drink quietly and let the cold breeze soak into my skin. I feel a presence besides me and turning my head, I look up. Christian is standing besides me. He studies my face before extending his hand forward. My scarf lies on his palm.

"You forgot this the other day", he says.

I lift my hand and take it. My fingers graze on his hand ever so lightly and I feel as if a current goes through my arm.

"Thank you", my voice is low.

"I saw you", he adds, his voice deep and smooth as always. "You were standing outside the club."

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