Chapter Forty-Three: Gracie | Euphoria

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It's opening night. I'm in my costume and peering anxiously out the red curtains. The seats are filling up quick, much faster than any of us could've anticipated. We were told that all the tickets sold out but it feels surreal to see it in person. There isn't a gap in the audience. I see my best friend front row and center, along with Eli and RJ sitting beside her, who have quickly become my closest friends in a short period of time. And then there's Weston, sitting next to my mother, talking together. 

My mom flew in from out of state to come watch my performances, and also to spend some much needed quality time together. When Weston found out, he practically transformed our student house into a bed-and-breakfast. He even offered to give up his room and sleep on the couch, but I wasn't sure that I wanted my mother sleeping on a mattress that had touched other random girls. Otherwise, he's been nothing but sweet and supportive, and judging by their animated expressions as they're currently talking, it seems that my mom loves him too. 

Knowing that the most important people in my life are here to support me calms my nerves. I know they'll be proud of me no matter what, even if I miss up a line or accidentally trip (both of which have happened during the past dress rehearsals; I blame nerves) is enough incentive for me to get on that stage and wow everybody.

Before I know it, I'm being dragged with my cast and crew into a huddle. We do our pre-show prayers and warm-ups, and then just like that, after months of blood, sweat and tears, it's show time.

Performing is truly a time-bender. When you rehearse and do a full run through for the first time, it feels achingly long, and the idea of having to memorize two hours' worth of lines will give you a migraine. But then you go over it all again and again, until two hours somehow become condensed into what feels like two minutes. That's what tonight felt like. I danced, I sang, I smiled, I had the time of my life on that stage. It was a blur, and the entire thing felt over much too quickly. Before I know it, I'm saying my last line, and just like that, opening night is done.

We head to the side wings and take turns bowing. First, the extras go first, followed by the side characters, and then the main crew. I do a solo run on stage and am met with deafening screams. I distinctly hear my roommates shouting: "THAT'S OUR GIRL!!" Squinting into the front row, I spot Weston doing a standing ovation alongside everybody else. He's clapping his hands and whooping, and we make eye contact. It's weird being in swapped positions- normally when I go to his games, he's on the ice and I'm in the audience. To know that there's mutual support has me feeling higher than the moon. His gaze sears into mine and I can see the pride radiating from his body.

So much joy and love rolled into one night is overwhelming, but in the best way possible. Eli gives me a squeeze and says, "You were amazing, Gracie." When I hug RJ, he says, "Broadway will be calling you in no time, kid." Nessa jumps up and down squealing, "That was SO freaking good! My best friend is insanely talented!" And Weston- as biased as my opinion is, his hug was the best by far. He presents me with a bouquet of roses from behind his back before spinning me around and kissing me on the forehead. "I couldn't take my eyes off you" he murmurs against me, holding on as if the world is coming to a screeching halt. "I'm coming tomorrow too, just to see you perform again." 

My mom's hug lasts the longest. "That was unbelievable, honey. I am so, so proud of you."

"Aw, thanks mom."

"All those singing lessons paid off." She chuckles and eyes the roses in my arms. A mischievous glimmer enters her eyes as she eyes Weston. "And by the way, that boyfriend of yours.." She fans herself. 

I groan. "Mom, please don't be weird." 

"Let me just say that I talked to him before the show, and within two minutes, I saw just how smitten he was with you."

I laugh. "So I've heard." 

"He couldn't stop talking about you the entire time. How proud he is of you. How amazing you are."

Glancing over at Weston, I catch him shaking hands with some of my crew members. "He's pretty great, huh?"

"You've got a good one there, honey. Don't let him go."

After a heaping load of photos, greetings, congrats and goodbyes, we all walk out the auditorium together. Usually, the whole cast will grab dinner together after the show, but with my mom here, I want to spend as much time with her as possible. Besides, I have the other four nights to grab dinner with my crew. Tonight, I'm reserved for my friends and family.

Nessa is a few steps ahead of us talking to my mother about her romance with RJ. Weston and I are trudging behind them, taking our time and holding hands. 

Life has been good recently. We're nearing the end of the semester, so while an endless pile of assignments are taking over, I've still been having the time of my life. Living with Weston quickly shifted from torture to heaven. Some nights he'll sleep in my room (strictly sleep) or we'll pull all-nighter study sessions together. Just soaking in one another's company is our form of quality time. We spend all our free time together when we can, almost like we're making up for the wasted time spent hating each other. 

It's hard to believe we're halfway done our senior year of college. Before we know it, we'll be walking across the stage, grabbing our diplomas, and figuring out the next stage of life. I've already been browsing through agents in the area, and after graduation, I plan on working through headshots and getting auditions as much as I can. 

Weston plans on finishing out his criminology degree, but from a few conversations, I'm not sure if he sees a future in it. But what he has started to do is volunteer as a representative for our college (mandatory 'punishment' for giving John a near broken nose). Basically, he tours local high schools and gives presentations on what our college has to offer and why you should apply here. After just a few days of this, Weston told me that he really enjoyed chatting with the students and could see himself standing in front of a classroom. I jokingly suggested he should be a teacher, but it became engrained in his brain ever since.

"You know, my schedule is open tomorrow night. What do you think about me coming to the next few shows too?"

I laugh. "Hey, I love you too much to make you suffer through a theatrical performance twice. I know it's not your thing-" It slips out before I can stop myself, and my hand flies to my mouth.

Weston freezes. "What did you just say?" There's amusement in his tone as his cheek twitches with delight.

"I, um..."

"Did you just say you love me?"

I stand there like a lovestruck idiot. Too cowardly to confirm it, and too late to deny it. "Oh, god. Is it too soon? I'm sorry. I have a tendency to feel things strong and fast-"

He cuts me off with a knee melting kiss. "I'm just upset you beat me to it" he murmurs against me. "I'm in love with you, Gracie. More than I ever thought was possible."

"Hey!" RJ yells back. He's walking alongside Nessa and my mother now. "Catch up, slowpokes! Last one to the truck has to pay for everyone's dinner!" And then RJ grabs Nessa's hand, pulling her across the parking lot. Pretty soon, everybody is booking it, my mother the fastest of them all. 

But not me and Weston. We walk side by side, me leaning against him while cupping his arm. We trudge at a lazy pace. Even though we're at risk of paying a hefty bill, we take our sweet time. As if reading my mind, Weston goes, "I'm okay with that."

Years from now when I'm on my deathbed, if there'd be any moment in life I'd want to relive, it'd be this one. Over and over and over. 

He Shoots, She scoresحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن