Chapter Eleven: Gracie | Book Club

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For this month's book club, we're reading 'My Policeman'. As host of the club, I normally struggle to find a club room on campus to book the meetings, but today, I know exactly where to go.

The guys have their second playoffs tonight. I chose not to go so I could set up for the book club. After getting changed into a cute pair of overalls with a cardigan on top, I start getting some snacks ready. I place a nice assortment of crackers, cheese, salami, grapes and strawberries as my own little charcuterie board. I baked some treats earlier so I have some cupcakes and brownies on the coffee table. After setting up the food, I prop some pillows on the couch for maximized comfort and get some Taylor Swift flowing in the background. Everything is ready when the doorbell rings. I go to greet my first guest.

Did I intentionally sabotage their hockey nights as a way of revenge against Weston? Sure. After our so-called 'therapy session' in his car where we just ended up listing the things we hate about one another, it made things progressively worse. Now we avoid one another in the house. It's worked out well so far. When he's at hockey, I'm at home. When he's at home, I'm at work. Vice versa, so on and forth. We have a good system set up. Until now.

Another reason why I decided to set up my book club here is because I thought it would be good for me to assert my own dominance when it comes to social events. The boys have their parties and their weekly hockey games. Why can't I have my own little party too? It's just as much my house as it is theirs.

Nessa is the first one to arrive. It's ironic considering her burning hatred for reading. But once I told her that RJ would be home, she didn't think twice about joining. As soon as she crosses the threshold, Nessa's already peering around, her face notably disappointed when she doesn't see RJ. "Am I the first one?"

"First and only" I chime. "Here. You get first dibs on snacks." I gesture towards my lovely set up, but Nessa just pats her belly.

"Thanks for the offer but I can't be looking bloated around my crush."

I roll my eyes, shoving three cheddar cheese cubes and two rolls of salami in my mouth, knowing full well I don't have anyone I need to impress in this household.

The remainder of the guests trickle in over the next half hour. Soon enough, my L-shaped couch is packed with a diverse range of girls. I beam at the turnout. "Welcome, welcome! Thank you all so much for joining us. Ladies, feel free to help yourself to any snacks and drinks while you're here. Bathroom is just down the hall, and please, if you have any strong opinions about our selected reading, don't hold back!"

We start with a little introduction get-to-know-you game before we're diving into the themes of gender and sexuality within the book. Nessa is beside me pretending to hold up her copy of the book when in reality she's scrolling on Instagram behind the pages. Amanda is in the middle of giving a passionate rant about one of the characters when a key starts jiggling in the doorway. This gets Nessa sitting up straight like a pageant contestant.

In slow-motion, my roommates enter the house. I can tell they won the game by the way they're laughing and bantering with one another. They all stop talking when they see the sea of girls on their couches. RJ drops his keys. Eli's jaw drops to the floor. It's Weston who moves first. Ever so slowly, he kicks the door shut behind them. He scans his eyes gradually across the room until they land on me. His brows tilt slightly up, as if saying, 'nice work.'

All three of the guy's hair is damp. They all carry those same massive duffel bags over their shoulder. Weston clears his throat and says, "Ladies." Right away an entourage of whispers begin escaping around us.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm in the Avery Weston's house right now!"

"RJ is so hot!"

"Do you see Eli's biceps?"

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