Powers and Combat (Most Powerful to Least)

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•Gou/Angreifer (Shouto Demon form)

Shouto's demon form, made from the void and darkness. Ashes and burnt blood from ancient wars. This form is only unlocked when his mortal body is damaged fatally, anything that kills humans unlocks this form. This also can happen if his mortal flesh is badly damaged or almost destroyed. He can walk the living world in this form while his mortal body regenerates and heals which usually takes a few years, depending on the severity.

This form was made after his mortal soul was cursed and binded with the elden demon god of Korea's underground cultist, Gou. Shouto's soul was binded by Hyon-Woo when he was locked in the coin-operated locker. While his mortal body had since died of suffocation, the curse gave him a second chance with his demon form. For the first four years of his life, Shouto lived in this developing demon form.

His powers vary differently depending on which form he takes. He has a total of three forms, his mortal form, his demonized form and pure demon form. His mortal form is his human body, he is unable to use his powers; it is only a gateway to his demonized and demon form.

His demonized form is his human form with some parts of his demon form, this form allows him to use his dark powers with limitations. This form is unlocked under stressful situations or when he experiences strong emotions. It consists of his human form with the addition of his two, pointed goat horns and his black colour-pointed limbs. On his belly is markings, two curved spikes adorning either side of his abdomen; like fingers holding his weak spot and providing an arrow to shoot for him to unlock his pure demon form.

His pure demon form, Himiko called them Gou but their ancient name is Angreifer. This form is his most powerful. This one is similar to his demonized form with the horn but he now has three markings on either side of his stomach, his horns are now longer and colour-pointed like his limbs. He has sharp fangs and canines and a swishing demon's tail. His eyes are now permanently glowing red with an unhinged look.

His powers are variable but underlining, he has the powers to control and summon the darkness. He can entrap and destroy light, sort of like controlling black holes and the void. This power is especially powerful against Hinata's, which is the power of the stars, fire and light. On top of controlling darkness, he also has the power to summon any dark beings from the underworld. Mainly weak underlings or Eldritch tentacles.

•Himiko Hoshi no Ugami

Himiko is a powerful, six-tailed fox god, under the service of God of vitality, Iinari-sama. Himiko was born into this world with the sole purpose of keeping balance, she wasn't sure what kind but her destiny was chosen nonetheless. After she matured to her six-tailed form, she broke through her fate by making a deal with Ayuka, she would swear to protect his soul as long as she was allowed access to his body and could roam the living world.

They encountered each other when Ayuka commited suicide, the small window between his fall and the moment he dropped into the water, his soul traversed the realm of the dead and their fates collided. They made a deal; if he wanted to have a second chance at a better life, she promised to let him wake up to a better world with better people only if she was allowed his body.

From this point on, Ayuka's soul fell into deep sleep and Himiko named herself, Hinata. Hinata then inherited her powers unknowingly [See discography for Ayuka above] and Himiko used them but posing as Hinata.

Her soul was extracted from his body in the end of UnHuman, where the orb found withing his body containing her soul was removed by force within a containment chambre. Her powerful soul was then used to open the gates to purgatory for the duration of ATD.

Regarding her powers, Himiko was limited by Hinata's bare, mortal body. Even with this, she was still able to cause the destruction that came with Ayuka's soul awakening during TtS. The feeling of holding such power was overwhelming and was a much needed release in his life-long suffering.

Hinata's power can be narrowed down to controlling fire and stars. He can only control, steal from, absorb and be immune to stars and fire and light itself. This was the sole reasoning of Himiko "keeping balance" since Shouto/Gou was the darkness. He can fly and not abide by any physical rules of the universe; godly powers had no need to stick to them. Like traditional Japanese Foxes, they can trick, manipulate and control the minds of humans. They can also shapeshift to their desired form. This also comes with a price of frequent sexual activities which usually lead to the death and devouring of the partners.

•Hyon-Woo's Powers// Han-Jae

Although Hyonie isn't a supernatural being like Gou or Himiko, they have quite a few unatural abilities that are mainly tied to the power of faith, spells, sacrifices and powerful tarot cards. As the cult they are apart of goes, their powers relay more to Western witchcraft than anything from Eastern traditional faith. Demons, summonings, tomes and Eldritch beings.

Their main power, and the only one they truly understand, is the power to manipulate time. Han-Jae had provided them with the Mother Clock, a stopwatch that provided them with their powers. Afterwards, they got their hands on the ancient book of knowledge for all three realms, The Tome of Andors and with that book, came the powerful Talisman of Belius. When the two are combined, the book can be used as a real life, working book spell.

They also have a whole charade of powerful witchcraft stuff; Tarot cards, Sealing cards, purifying rings and their personal favourite weapon, a taser. Its... Just a police grade taser...
If they were to be separated from these objects, their soul will be corrupted and their body will be corrupted in seconds due to the copious amounts of curses and debts they owe.

•Yun-Chae's Werewolf Curse

During Hunted, Yun-Chae was inherited werewolf powers by his request to Hyon-Woo. Due to reading mistakes made, Hyonie accidentally cursed him but was able to stop the spell half-way. Now, Yun-Chae is half werewolf and hunted down his brother since he used his DNA (in this case, baby teeth) for the ritual.

During the full moon, Yun-Chae could be described by Hinata as "going apeshit" and his thirst for blood was too great and disturbing, even for a cursed god like Himiko. Yun-Chae ended up having to be tied down during full moons for the duration of his stay in the hospital after Seung-Min almost shot him dead. The reason he didn't die was because the werewolf was known to be incredibly resilient and can only be killed with a silver bullet. This rule also applies to him.

When he transforms, you can't really tell until it's too late. His eyes glow an eerie red under moonlight and his teeth were weirdly sharp like fangs. He has super speed and strength and an incredible amount of stamina. No, he doesn't turn into a hairy beast, only partially. Like mentioned, he inherited the strengths of the creature.

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