Chapter 30: Beginning

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"And I feel the safest
In your secure embrace"

It's been two days since he's been here. Its been hectic since then. I've been busy packing my stuff. It gets a lot to do because it was such a surprise to me that he came here all of a sudden. Our flight is off tomorrow. We'll be departing at eight in the night. I was busy packing my stuff when two arms wrapped around me. I smiled when I felt his chin on my shoulder. He asked in a rasp voice
"Are you done?" I've been awake since eight so, I decided to do my rest of the packing. I shrugged and said
"I'm almost done". He just put his head there while I folded my clothes. After a while I chuckled and said
"Are you going to stand there?" He looked at me for a few seconds and said
"No I'll go downstairs". I nodded my head and he left after placing a small kiss at the crown of my head.

I came downstairs for breakfast. Everybody was already seated. I greeted everyone and start with the breakfast. Between eating phupho asked me
"Hareem did you buy some warm clothes for there? It gets real cold there". I replied to her
"I already have so many clothes. I don't need more phupho". She tsked and Hafsa said
"No Bhabhi you should buy more clothes. Bhai is here and you should empty his wallet". I chuckled at her and yes she has been calling me Bhabhi for a while now. She insisted on calling me that otherwise I had no issue calling her with my name. Phupho looked at Rohaan and said
"Take her to shopping. You both should go after the breakfast and then go to Bhabhi house. She must miss Hareem a lot". He nodded and I suddenly felt a little sad about leaving everything behind. I try not to think about it. This thought always makes it home in my mind that I'll be leaving my home city just in a matter of few hours. I already miss everything. I was playing with my food when I felt a soft touch on my hand. I glanced at him and saw his hand hoovering over mine. He squeezed it and it was just what I needed. A little assurance from him. I sighed and continued with my food.

"Hareem slow down. Take it easy". I glared at him as he for the umpteenth time uttered this next sentence. He sighed and said
"Sorry but still you'll get tired". I continued walking and he followed me around slowly. I again looked at him and said
"It's your fault. You surprised me all of a sudden and now I have only freaking a few hours left before I leave everyone and it's making me sad and anxious at the same time. You shouldn't be angry with me". I pouted and looked away from him. He slowly reached towards me and said
"Come let's sit for a while". I followed him and we went to the cafeteria. He made me sit on of the chairs and asked
"Khouge kuch?"
(Wanna eat something)
I nodded my head without looking at him. He chuckled and left to order. He came back after a while. He got me burgers and fries. I love burgers and fries. My love for fast food has just escalated with time. I looked at him and he got himself a sandwich. He loves this specific dish a lot. He looked at me and urged me to eat. I took a few bites of my fries. He looked at me and said
"Are you sad about leaving?" I looked at him and said
"Yeah. But I'm happy too. Like it's a new life. I'm excited to look around the world". He nodded at me and said
"I felt the same when I first left Pakistan. It was a total new experience for me. I was leaving my homeland. It got a bit tough in the beginning but then I felt like I was living there already and just took a small vacation". I listened to him. And when I look at things from his point of view I can see how much his situation and mine is same. I let his word sink in when he said again
"I'm excited to take you there. I have so many things to show you. I have this favourite restaurant and I would love to take you there once a while on a dinner date". I chuckled and said
"You would take me on a dinner date?" He nodded his head and said
"I want to give you as much of my time as I could". His words melted my heart and for the first time I felt a different emotion inside of me. It was affection, care and something I took a sharp intake of breath at this sudden realization. It was like a whisper in the dark alley. I looked at him and he was silently eating his food. I admired his features as I sat there. His eyes are the first thing that always captured my heart. His eyes are the darkest shade of blue which is like a deep the most bluest ocean. His eyes narrates the tale of his heart. The emotions he can't convey through his lips, his eyes does the job then. His hands have got veiny in the past years. And the fact that he is a lawyer just add more to his handsomeness...if that's a word. That's what it is. There's no word I find suitable enough to quote his perfection with. Even the word perfection is just not enough to describe his charm. I was pulled out of my Dreamland as he glanced at me. I quickly averted my gaze and starts eating my food.

We were on our way to Dado's house. We have told everyone about our leaving. Everybody was happy for us. Mama was happy too, but I know that she must be feeling lonely too. I was shaking my leg as he drove the car. Hd glanced at me and said
"You're impatient". I looked at him and nodded my head. He parked the car and I bolted out of the car at a flash speed. I rang the bell and Mama opened the door. I instantly hugged her and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I buried my face in her shoulder and she stroked my hair. We pulled apart only when we heard Rohaan's teasing remark
"I thought I'll get some love too. I was wrong". Mama chuckled and patted his head and we all entered inside. Dada and Dado were sitting in the living room and we greeted them. Mama was smiling more as she see me and I could die for that smile. We all started chatting and talking untill dinner time.

We all were having our dinner when Chachi said
"Its good that you're back Rohaan. But you can early as expected. It takes time to get done with the paperwork". I looked up at her and it was the second time she has brought up this topic. I chose to stay quiet and he answered
"Alhumdulilah it was done soon. I really didn't want her to stay away from me for a long time". Chachi gave him a tight lipped smile and suddenly the environment was much more tense. Everybody was focused at their own food but all of them noticed the change of atmosphere. I glanced at him and the way his hand was curled in fist showed that he was angry. I reached for his hand under the table and squeezed it just like he did in the morning. He instantly relaxed and gave me a small smile.

I knocked at Mama door and entered inside. She was reading the Quran. I sat down beside her and put my head on her shoulder and listened to her reciting. I can't believe I'm leaving. I'll miss coming here to meet her. I didn't know when I started crying. She wiped my tear and I hugged her close. She stroked my hair and said
"Why are you crying?" I wiped my tears and said
"I'll miss you". She patted my back and I looked at her. She held my hands and said
"Hareem I can't say I'll not miss you because I will more than you can imagine. You are the greatest gift of God for me and Raza. But I'm also happy that you are staring a new life. I'm relieved to see that Rohaan cares for you a lot. It's in his actions and gestures. Don't be sad and just be thankful to Allah that he has awarded you with a good partner." I wiped my face and listened to her words carefully. A knock sounded in the room and he entered. He said
"I hope I'm not disturbing". We shook our heads and he looked at me and said
"We should be heading back now". I nodded my head and hugged Mama one last time and asked
"You will come to the airport?" She nodded her head and patted Rohaan on his head and we took our leave.

We were currently giving our farewell goodbyes. Hafsa was latched to her brother. Mama was captured in a bone crushing hug by me. Hafsa hugged me as soon as Mama pulled away and said
"I had you for company but now you're going too". I laughed and hugged her tighter. She and I have a really good bond. Phupho looked at both of us and said
"You two take care of each other. I don't want any complains from either of you". We nodded our heads and soon we were settled in the plane waiting for it to take off. As the announcement began he offered his hand to me and said
"Don't be nervous. It's to our new beginnings". I repeated his words again and closed my eyes waiting anxiously for our destination.
Asalamoaliukm everyone here's the chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time. I was very busy. But please forgive me and give this story your love and support.
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Till then Allah Hafiz.

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